The symbol can discharge anycasting if the dance is interrupted or the Skill roll is unsuc- number of times against different targets, but each target cancessful, the spell fails. . It was released in August 2010. . Although he maintained the outward appearance of heart was intact, as well as greatly enhancing his sorcerousa loyal and scholarly Otomo nobleman, Jama plotted treason power. . . The last one actually took the name before IuchibansTaint Rank: 3.5 rise to power, but he too fell in 1166 to Isawa Sezaru. Common animals in their territory they maintain vast herds on their rolling grasslands. The vast open plains of the Unicorn Clan stand in contrast with the northern reaches of the Shinomen Mori, the larg- The Dragon Clan controls mainly mountainous and for- est forest in the world, that occupies their southern border.ested regions, although they do have some limited plains in Horses are of course extremely common in their territory, asthe foothills of their lands. . In the new world Iuchiban would zombie. . . Many animals that live in the jungles of the Mantisterrain. . It was adequate to deal with the boorish Shanegon, he felt, but for it to be successful without bringing attention to himself, he required an unwitting agent, someone highly competent and with an obvious vendetta against the Kolat. banished to Jigoku itself to gain power. You gain +2k0 on all Courtier and Intimidation Skill rolls.You have access to an intelligence network that can provideyou with a variety of covert information. . . . . This can quickly lead to inter-character as the GM might like, and generally employing the Kolat to The Kolatconict, bad feelings, and a failed campaign. . This will result in fever and inam- mation for 1 to 3 weeks, inicting a -1k0 penalty to 12 all actions until cured (spells or Medicine TN 30) or the disease runs its course.Bestiary c Low-light Vision: Cats operate normally in dim light (such as starlight), although they are still blinded by complete darkness. Behind its imposing walls, troubled souls are given succour, and a lucky few find respite. . So devastating was the defeat that the Lion studied it for centuries after, determined not to repeat its mistakes. While there are so as to avoid risking accidentally exposing a Cult cell inoften schisms, most Bloodspeaker cells are not exposed by another territory.betrayal. . . Childrens stories no doubt, told to misbehaving boys. . the cult went their own way without any central guidance. The Hidden Temple. . . . The conspiracy quickly arranged for where they must directly confront a group or individual. . . . . Over two hundred years after his imprisonment, Iuchiban nally escaped from the Tomb, leaping his soul into the body of a peasant (and condemning that poor unfortunate to re- side in Iuchibans immortal body within the Tomb). . . . . Animals common to their territory badgers, boars, bears, eagles, falcons, foxes, monkeys, oxen,include badgers, bears, boars, crocodiles, falcons, goats, and stags, and wolves. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .211 Ronin Encounter Table. . Bayushi Rikoji was highly suspicious of the Jama Surubeautiful sword which arrived unexpectedly from the Imperial 21capital. . . . Rolls made to discern your true intentions The ten Kolat Masters exert total control over the conspiracy.or motivations, including Social Skill rolls and Spell Casting All members of their Sect are answerable to them and otherRoll for any spells which might lay bare your thoughts, have Kolat will show them the greatest of respect and deference.their TN increased by +5. Many of them actively sought ways to somehow assassinate Togashi, but none of their schemes bore fruit. I came to hunt, andthat thought of you in such dangerous surroundings without by the Fortunes that is what I am going to do. zumi, rat-like creatures that I heard of and witnessed during my training with the Hiruma family of the Crab Clan. Further, the magical protections of the city grew ture makes it far more hardy and resilient than other branchesstronger with every generation, so much so that even the of the conspiracy. The sects sleeper agents, how-tomo, and Ide families, among others. . . . . While there may be strength in numbers, to entirely root out. . Acolytes, who came about through the accident of the Uni- corn Clans timing in returning to the Empire. Indeed, for much a legitimate chance at turning the tables and ultimately tri- of its history the Kolat routinely used the Scorpion as scape- umphing against the conspiracy. .255 Gagoze no Oni, Plague of the Forest . The lands governed by the Great Clans of Rokugan The Islands of Silk and Spice are Rokugans most uniquecover an enormous area, and each includes multiple types of habitat. . . Age of Rebellion Core Rulebook: Force and Destiny Core Rulebook . . . . . 30 Naga Culture and Customs . Do not do this. . 200 Where Undeath Lurks . SNAKE (HEBI), POISONOUS ASPPoisonous snakes are found throughout Rokugan but are mostcommon in the central and southern parts of the Empire. . . They are sometimes kept as pets, and Although herbivorous, they are dangerous and aggressive many monasteries and villages also encourage their presence animals, notoriously difcult to kill, and the only thing easier because they reduce the number of rats and other vermin. . . . Yajinden had recently learned a dark secret tonear-immortality swapping his spirit from body to body. . .116 Threat One: Menacing Sacred Land 76 Shamans and Name Magic . A famous katana suddenly breaks in a duel, a mer- the most difcult and vital of duties making sure the Kolat chant is discovered selling counterfeit goods, travel papers conspiracy remains a secret at all costs. . .111 The Early Centuries . . . . speaker Cult enters the symbols radius, the symbol glows aThe spell is a ritual and requires the caster to dance for at least bright sickly green and the intruder is bathed in eerie greenan hour (rolling Perform: Dance / Awareness at TN 25) while ames, inicting 4k3 damage. Thus began the third great rise of the Bloodspeaker escaped imprisonment twice, after all why should he notCult, one which would shake the entire Empire to its foundations. It is impossible to say that death has truly defeatedIuchiban. . . . . 17 to accrue until the target succeeds on three consecu- Their fur is usually a pattern of white, orange, and black tive rolls, the poison is treated, 24 hours pass, or the stripes, but some breeds lack the orange coloration and all- ENEMIES OF THE EMPIRE target has an uninterrupted eight hour period to rest. The key activities in the city were conducted within that commerce can undermine the rule of the Heavens morethe innermost holdings, however, where security was vastly effectively than any doctrine. . The Jama Suru personality does seem to have some glimmeringSkills: Battle 5, Courtier 2, Defense 4, Etiquette 3, Intimida- of recognition of its past existences, and it seems at least re-tion (Control) 4, Kenjutsu (Katana) 5, Knives 3, Lore: Battle motely possible that Jama Suru might appear in a time when3, Lore: Heraldry 2, Lore: Maho 7, Lore: Shadowlands 3, Iuchiban himself is not active. The defeated rebels were mostly driven out perfected the universe, forming it in their own image. . Let us begin.and catalogue these incidents. . At the beginning of the second and each subsequent hour, the target may make a Stamina TIGER (TORA) Bestiary Roll (TN 25) to prevent suffering additional penal- ties for that hour. . . . . . 260 Morei no Oni, the Grain Demon. Although the Kolat are perhaps the idealsigned to be self-sufcient and independent, united only by conspiracy theory villains, the Bloodspeakers work almostdevotion to Iuchiban. . Some of these malcontents rebelled openly, only to who determined the nal pattern. . The Bloodspeaker freed his original body from endure as long as they have to in order to reclaim their powerits jade chains, and he and Yajinden escaped the Tomb for the and nd some way of bringing back their leader. . .205 The Undead as Adversaries: Scourge of the Skies . . . . Hirotadas men are for the most part loyal to his goals and adept at lying to magistrates. . For as long as there has been anHe no longer takes a direct stake in the Cults ongoing activi- Iuchiban, there has been a Jama Suru, and every time theties, and seems to desire no further power, only absolute and Bloodspeaker returns a new general is created for his armiescomplete mastery of his own arts. . Ron Chironna, Miguel Coimbra, Conceptopolis, Ed Cox. . . $7.95. . 106 2 Mastery Rank One . . It had dwelt in the wild inherited from his late father, and the private aviary he main-as a foal and, while completely domesticated, still showed a fear tained within the city was in his fathers memory. Fortunately, those who perished never exposed the Dynasty, it will likely be the work of Master Coin.conspiracys existence. . . . . . . Skills: Jiujutsu 4, Stealth 4 c Huge. However, Tora argued the Celestial Wheel need When Hantei and his divine siblings fell from the Heavens, not be an eternal circle. . Wound ranks This is usually done subtly while the victim is surrounded by School/Rank: Lotus Assassin 3 (Insight Rank 5) others, maximizing terror while minimizing any chance of detection. From demonic hordes from the Shadowlands, to internal threats and conspiracies, the life of the samurai is anything but peaceful. . .181 Unique Mechanics of the Spirit Realms . . . . . . . If aand make sure everyone will be comfortable with such situ- PC is exposed as a Kolat agent, the rest of the partys dutyations and can maintain a distance between themselves and is clear-cut: Imperial law demands the Kolat be put to death.their characters. . .154 Schools, and Spells . The mask instantly fuses with the flesh of the corpse and the c Social Position (younger son of the Emperor) kansen within the mask animates the body, creating a zombie. . . . It mightdiscussing ways in which the Kami might someday be defeated take hundreds or even thousands of years to bring mankind en-and their own rule restored. worth the effort. . . . . . . . . .124, Mastery Level 5 . 77 Learning Name Magic Spells. . . . ENEMIES OF THE EMPIRE BestiaryV erdant forests, windy plains, dramatic mountain vis- and even here they are uncommon; were it not for the protec- 9 tas and forbidding swamplands, all of these and more tive efforts of the Lion Clan, the noble beasts would surely be can be found within Rokugans borders, and all are extinct. . 220 The Naming of the Lying Darkness .134 the Demon of the Endless Horde . 75 Mastery Level 4 Memory Sticks . . 142 History of the Five Races: of the Hungry Dead. . Given that recurring or persistent villains who return to bedevil the PCsBloodspeaker doctrine emphasizes the power of the individual over and over again. . However, the Roku-gani discovered to their horror that the Bloodspeaker himself At the time, however, it was generally thought thatcould not be slain. . instantly and permanently taking their body as his own. A disguised geisha might fallin love with her mark. 99 The Bloodspeaker The Code of Shourido . . . . . . . . An angry bear can threaten even a group of armed samurai.Skills: Hunting 3 AIR 1 EARTH 6 FIRE 1 WATER 2 REFLEXES 3 - AGILITY 4 STRENGTH 7Special Abilities: Initiative: 4k3 Attack: Claws 6k4 (Simple) c Echolocation: Bats may operate in total darkness or Bite 5k4 (Complex) without penalty. There body-changing technique. . The Lotus philosophy llment of their ideals will require them to control the spirit is that an assassin must be free of human contacts with the world as well as the mortal realm. . However, there is still plentyof land that remains fertile and energetic. Iuchibanwas hardly deterred by such losses, of course, and establisheda new base of operations in the ruins of the former capital ofOtosan Uchi, near the true location of his long-hidden heart. . . The Yasuki family has always had a large role to play in the HAND OF THE MASTERSKolats mercantile ventures, although over time the conspira-cy has also worked its way into other trade-oriented families The Hands of the Masters are among the most elite of thesuch as the Daidoji, Yoritomo, and Ide. . . . . .153 The Tsuno . .161 Rank 5 Ronin Paths. . . . . . . As you like, then. He turned to Ito.That is the sad effect of their duty, which they perform val- Be careful to unhood the falcon only when we have gameiantly, he added, seeing Hikarus face darken. . . . . . . . . . The open savannahs of the Lion Clan are the only placewhere the Rokugani lion can be found with any frequency, Beasts of Rokugan Fighting Underwater Samurai face many dangers, and among these is the APE (OZARU) problem of fighting in or under the water. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Three of the swords did their work all too well. . . . . . . .281 Shokansurus Brood . The struggle was long and bit- during its worst periods. . . . . . Bats are nocturnal, and are able to make their bear and the brown bear. . . . GMs inflicting stronger penalties on combatants who do not may depict larger specimens by increasing the Earth Ring, have the Swimming emphasis of Athletics. . . . . . . To some of the Kolat leadership, these costs were accept-able, because the end of the War Against the Darkness el-evated two mortals, Hitomi and Yakamo, to the position ofMoon and Sun. . Although their primary duty is to protect the Temple, they may also serve as yojimbo to important or high-ranking Daidoji family characters may purchase this Advantage for members of the conspiracy.7 points, Scorpion characters may purchase it for 6 points,and Kolat characters may purchase it for 5 points. . . . Shinsei was a mortal man, but the Kami listened to him and revered his wisdom. She unleashed a the direct mandate of the Heavens, ending the inuence ofgreat purge against the Kolat inltration of her clan, wiping mortal man over Rokugans leaders. . . . His soul bides its time in whatever dark cornerof Jigoku it resides, and one day it may yet nd away to escape the grasp of the Realm of Eviland return to the living world. However, the 4th Edition Design Team having supernatural capacities. 100 The Death of Iuchiban . . . . For human opponents, this is rarelythey dared hope for in the chapter on the Lost, while those a complicated matter, as most have Wounds that aremore interested in the supernatural aspect of the setting may very similar at similar Insight Ranks. . . . Enemy of the Empire was drawn by Ian Gibson and John Nadeau. 81 In The Beginning . The perilous voyage would claim the lives of all butcapital were Jamas friends, playing with him and hanging on himself, Suru, and Yajinden. Sharks have a tendency to attack in a berserker-like fury when they smell blood in the water, which they are capable of Octopi are usually not aggressive animals. What can there be in the forest to threaten experienced Normally Kitaro would chide the boy for speaking out of hunters like ourselves?turn, but today he could only grin wider. .152 The Trolls . . Black bearsDamage: 1k1 Armor TN: 20 will climb trees to get their prey, while brown bears prefer to knock trees over. 204 A Sinister Offer . . .244 Wounds. . Exceptions Bite 4k4 (Complex)are the deer of the Mantis Isles, which frequently are a deeper Damage: 5k2 (claws) or Armor TN: 25red and spotless, and the occasional white stags found in the 3k3 (bite)lands of the Seppun family. . . If something were to happen to you, with me or not?which I must confess is relatively likely, I would be unable toforgive myself for your death. He shook his head. . lenge which will, after all, probably result in the charactersIn general, player characters cannot be members of the Roc disgrace or death once his sleeper programming is activated.Sect, but any other branch of the Kolat is potentially avail- The GM should not force an unwilling player into such a situ-able. . . . 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