') Have you ever observed that it is not as much WHAT you say, as HOW you say it? stelae) - - g90 5/8 15, 17 - STEE-luh; pl. Shaddai'; "God Almighty" in NW) - Genesis 35:11 By, JPS (h410 + h7706) - el shah-DI , also SHAD-i] * [ Shadrach - Sha'drach - Daniel 1:7 (h7714) - SHAD-rak, SHAY-drak, not SHAD-rak in NW] * [ Shakti* - - sh 121 - SHAHK-tee] * [ Shallum - Shal'lum - 2 Kings 15:10 (h7967) - SHAL-uhm] * [ Shalmaneser - Shalmane'ser - 2 Kings 17:3 (h8022) - shal'muh-NEE-zuhr, shal'muhn-EE-zuhr] * [ shalom] * [ (also shalohm') - ("peace" in NW) - Genesis 15:15 HNV (h7965); Matthew 10:13 HNV (g1515) - shah-LOHM (listen)] * [ Shalom aleichem* - - w84 8/15 19 - shaw'luhm uh-LAY-khuhm (listen), -kuhm, shah-LOHM ah-lay-KHEM, Seph. stayTopLeft(); But good Bible pronunciation skill is also important in how to say things, for the following reasons: Click to see A J Baltes Pronouncing by MEMORY "Start to Finish" all 20,000 words of Saint John's Gospel! Heb. In fact, studies show that over 90% of our communication happens apart from our words! if (verticalpos=="fromtop"){ You decide which sounds to work on first when working on how to say things. This online dictionary of King James Version words contains over 11,000 definitions. To give light to them that sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to guide our feet into the way of peace. What we learned from the Asbury Awakening: Attendees reveal surprising lessons during interview with Oregon Faith Report. To pronounce one syllable words correctly, readers must stretch out the vowel sound. You can say words in different ways and change the meaning entirely. pageYOffset + innerHeight : document.body.scrollTop + document.body.clientHeight; ostraca) - - it "Letters" - AHS-truh-kahn', pl. Several versions of the King James Bible (KJV) were produced in 1611,1629, 1638, 1762, and 1769. We dont say want to. (Exodus 15:1 15:21). Bible Pronunciation--How to pronounce R words in the Bible: [ Ra* - - it "Gods and Godesses" - RAH, RAY] * [ Raamah - Ra'amah - Ezekiel 27:22 (h7484) - RAY-uh-mah] * [ Raamses] * [ (compare Rameses, Ramses) - Raam'ses - Exodus 1:11 (h7486) - ray-AM-seez, rah-AM-seez] * [ Rabbah - Rab'bah - Amos 1:14 (h7237) - RAB-uh] * [ Rabbath - ("Rabbah" in NW) - Deuteronomy 3:11 DRB, KJ, Yg (h7237) - RAB-uhth] * [ Rabbi] * [ (Teacher in some Bibles) - Rabbi - Matthew 23:7 (g4461) - RAB-i] * [ rabbinic* - - sh 215 - ruh-BIN-ik] * [ Rabboni - Rabbo'ni - John 20:16 (g4462) - ra-BOH-ni , ra-BOH-nee] * [ Rabmag - Rab'mag - Jeremiah 39:13 (h7248) - RAB-mag] * [ Rabsaris - Rab'saris - Jeremiah 39:3 (h7249) - RAB-suh-ris] * [ Rabshakeh - Rab'shakeh - 2 Kings 18:17 (h7262) - RAB-shuh-kuh] * [ Rachel - Rachel, it Ra'chel - Genesis 29:6 (h7354) - RAY-chuhl] * [ Ragau - ("Reu" in NW) - Luke 3:35 Da, DRB (g4466) - RAY-gaw] * [ Rahab - Ra'hab - Joshua 2:1 (h7343) - RAY-hab] * [ raiment] * [ (apparel, clothes, clothing in some Bibles) - raiment - Isaiah 59:17 (h8516); Acts 10:30 (g2066) - RAY-muhnt] * [ Ramah - Ra'mah - Judges 4:5 (h7414) - RAY-muh, RAY-mah, not RAH-muh] * [ Ramathaim-zophim - Ramatha'im-zo'phim - 1 Samuel 1:1 (h7436) - ray'muhth-ay'im-ZOH-fim] * [ Rameses] * [ (compare Raamses, Ramses) - Ram'eses - Genesis 47:11 (h7486) - RAM-uh-seez] * [ Ramses*] * [ (compare Raamses, Rameses) - - it "Raamses" - RAM-seez] * [ rapacious] * [ (cruel, evil, fierce, mischievous, ravenous, violent in some Bibles) - rapacious - Isaiah 35:9 (h6530) - ruh-PAY-shuhs] * [ rapacity] * [ (destruction, ravaging, ruin, spoil in some Bibles) - rapacity - Habakkuk 2:17 (h7701) - ruh-PAS-uh-tee, -ih-tee] * [ Ras Shamra*] * [ (Ugarit) - - it "Archaeology" - rahs SHAHM-ruh] * [ Rastafarian*, Rastafarianism* - - g85 2/22 14 - ras'tuh-FAR-ee-uhn, rahs'tuh-FAHR-ee-uhn; ras'tuh-FAR-ee-uh-nih'zuhm, ruhs'tuh-FAHR-ee-uh-nih'zuhm] * [ ravenous] * [ (cruel, ravening, savage, vicious in some Bibles) - ravenous - Matthew 7:15 (g727) - RAV-uh-nuhs, RAV-nuhs] * [ Rebekah - Rebek'ah - Genesis 22:23 (h7259) - rih-BEK-uh] * [ Rechab; Rechabite - Re'chab; Re'chabites - Jeremiah 35:2, 6 (h7394; h7397) - REE-kab; REE-kuh-bi t(s)] * [ recension* - - w69 11/15 691 - rih-SEN-shuhn] * [ reconcile - reconcile - Ephesians 2:16 (g604) - REK-uhn-si l'] * [ reconciliation - reconciliation - 2 Corinthians 5:18 (g2643) - rek'uhn-sil'ee-AY-shuhn] * [ Regem-melech - Re'gem-mel'ech - Zechariah 7:2 (h7278) - ree'guhm-MEL-ik, ree'gehm-MEL-ik] * [ Rehoboam - Rehobo'am - 1 Kings 11:43 (h7346) - ree'huh-BOH-uhm, reh'huh-BOH-uhm] * [ Rehoboth - Reho'both - Genesis 26:22 (h7344) - rih-HOH-both, reh-HOH-bahth] * [ Rehoboth-Ir - Reho'both-Ir - Genesis 10:11 (h7344 + h5892) - rih-HOH-buth-ir, -both-, reh-HOH-bahth-ihr, ray-HOH-bahth-ihr'] * [ rehsh, also resh] * [ (Hebrew letter) - Rehsh - Psalm 119:153 (verse heading) - RAYSH] * [ Remaliah - Remali'ah - Isaiah 7:1 (h7425) - rem'uh-LI -uh] * [ remembrancer] * [ (memorial, reminder in some Bibles) - remembrancer - Leviticus 24:7 (h234) - rih-MEM-bruhn(t)-suhr] * [ remnant - - Isaiah 10:21 (h7605); Romans 9:27 (g2640); Revelation 12:17 Da, KJ (g3062) - REM-nuhnt, not REM-uh-nuh(n)t] * [ Renaissance*; renaissance* - - w95 3/1 23; ip-1 187 - ren'uh-SAHN(T)S, -ZAHN(T)S (also several other variations)] * [ Rephaim - Reph'aim - Isaiah 17:5 (h7497) - REF-ay-im] * [ Rephidim - Reph'idim - Exodus 17:1 (h7508) - REF-ih-dim] * [ reprobate - ("anyone contemptible" and "disapproved" in NW) - Psalm 15:4 AS (h3988); 1 Timothy 3:8 AS, KJ (g96) - REP-ruh-bayt'] * [ repudiate - repudiate - Titus 2:12 (g720) - rih-PYOO-dee-ayt'] * [ Reu] * [ (Ragau in some Bibles) - Re'u - Genesis 11:18 (h7466) - REE-yoo, REE-oo] * [ Reuben; Reubenite - Reu'ben; Reu'benites - Numbers 26:5, 7 (h7205; h7206) - ROO-bin; ROO-bin-i t(s)(')] * [ Reuel - Reu'el - Exodus 2:18 (h7467) - ROO-uhl, ROO-el] * [ Reumah - Reu'mah - Genesis 22:24 (h7208) - ROO-muh, ROO-mah] * [ Revelation - Revelation (Bible book) - Revelation 1:1 (g602) - rev'uh-LAY-shuhn, not pl.] Subscribe to the Bible Blender Newsletter. When you ask, "How do I pronounce", remember, the 'short' vowel sounds (short because that's what we call them, not because they necessarily have to be said quickly) are often the most useful sounds to work on for reading and spelling improvement. (g58 "agora"); Acts 28:15 KJ (g5410) - FOR-uhm] * [ frankincense - frankincense - Exodus 30:34 (h3828); Matthew 2:11 (g3030) - FRANG-kin-sen(t)s', -kuhn-] * [ fraudulent - fraudulent - Proverbs 28:16 (h4642) - FRAW-juh-luhnt] * [ Frey*; Freya* - - g00 12/8 27 - FRAY; FRAY-uh] * [ friar* - - g97 5/8 18 - FRI (-uh)R] * [ frieze* - - ip-2 124 - FREEZ (listen)] * [ Frigga* - - g00 12/8 27 - FRIH-guh] * [ froward - ("tortuous"; "hard to please" in NW) - Psalm 18:26 AS, KJ (h6141); 1 Peter 2:18 AS (g4646) - FROH-uhrd, -wuhrd] * [ fundamentalist* - - w97 3/1 3 ftn. Key features include: Printed Scripture Detailed lesson context 2) Bible pronunciation is generally much easier to learn at an early age. ", From the book "Teaching English Pronunciation" [ Habakkuk - Habak'kuk (Bible book) - Habakkuk 1:1 (h2265) - huh-BAK-uhk, not huh-BAK-uh] * [ habergeon - ("coat of mail" in NW) - Exodus 28:32 KJ (h8473) - HAB-uhr-juhn, huh-BUHR-jee-uhn] * [ Habiru*; Hapiru* - - it "Egypt, Egyptian" - hah-BEE-roo; hah-PEE-roo] * [ Hacaliah - Hacali'ah - Nehemiah 1:1 (h2446) - hak'uh-LI -uh] * [ Hachaliah - ("Hacaliah" in NW) - Nehemiah 1:1 Da, KJ, Yg (h2446) - hak'uh-LI -uh] * [ Hadad - Ha'dad - 1 Kings 11:14 (h1908) - HAY-dad] * [ Hadadezer - Hadade'zer - 2 Samuel 8:3 (h1909) - had'ad-EE-zuhr] * [ Hadadrimmon - Hadadrim'mon - Zechariah 12:11 (h1910) - hay'dad-RIM-uhn] * [ Hadassah] * [ (aka Esther) - Hadas'sah - Esther 2:7 (h1919) - huh-DAS-uh] * [ Hades] * [ (Hell, death, realm of the dead, She'ol, world of the dead in some Bibles) - Ha'des - Revelation 1:18 (g86) - HAY-deez(')] * [ Hadrach - Ha'drach - Zechariah 9:1 (h2317) - HAY-drak] * [ Hadrian* - - it "Jerusalem" - HAY-dree-uhn] * [ Hagar - Ha'gar - Genesis 16:1 (h1904) - HAY-gahr] * [ Haggadah* - - w98 5/15 29 - huh-GAH-duh, not HAG-uh-dah] * [ Haggai - Hag'gai (Bible book) - Haggai 1:1 (h2292) - HAG-i] * [ Hagiographa* - - it "Hebrew Scriptures" - hag'ee-OG-ruh-fuh] * [ Hagrite - Hag'rite - 1 Chronicles 27:31 - HAG-ri t] * [ hajj*] * [ (also hadj) - - g94 3/8 24 - HAHJ, HAJ] * [ hajji*] * [ (also hadji) - - g94 3/8 24 - HAJ-ee] * [ Halacha* or Halakah* - - g91 6/8 29 - hah'lah-KAH] * [ Halicarnassus* - - g97 11/8 25 - hal'uh-kahr-NAS-uhs] * [ Hallelujah] * [ (also Alleluia) - ("Praise Jah, YOU people!" Finally have them repeat the whole sentence several times: BICH-oo-muhn, BIT-yuh-] * [ blaspheme - blaspheme - John 10:36 (g987) - blas-FEEM, BLAS-feem] * [ blasphemous - blasphemous - Revelation 13:1 (g988) - BLAS-fuh-muhs, not blas-FEE-m(ee-)uhs] * [ blasphemy - blasphemy - Matthew 12:31 (g988) - BLAS-fuh-mee (listen), not blas'FEE-mee] * [ Blastus - Blas'tus - Acts 12:20 (g986) - BLAS-tuhs] * [ Boanerges - Boaner'ges - Mark 3:17 (g993) - boh'uh-NUHR-jeez] * [ Boaz - Bo'az - Ruth 2:1 (h1162) - BOH-az] * [ Bodmer, Papyrus* - - it "Manuscripts of the Bible (Papyrus manuscripts)" - BOD-muhr, puh-PI -ruhs] * [ Bogomil*] * [ (also Bogomile) - - w58 7/1 393 - buh'guh-ME(UH)L] * [ boisterous - boisterous - Proverbs 9:13 (h1993) - BOI-stuhr-uhs, -struhs] * [ Boniface* - - g01 10/8 8 - BAH-nuh-fuhs, BAH-nuh-fays'] * [ Boreas* - - g93 9/22 24 - BOHR-ee-uhs] * [ Borsippa* - - dp 100 - bohr-SIP-uh] * [ bough - bough - Malachi 4:1 (h6057) - BOU, rhymes with "how," "now," "cow"] * [ Bozrah - Boz'rah - Isaiah 34:6 (h1224) - BOZ-ruh, BAWZ-rah] * [ Brahma* - - sh 115 - BRAH-muh] * [ Brahman*] * [ (also Brahmin) - - w99 4/1 9; g83 3/8 25 - BRAH-muhn, BRAHKH-muhn] * [ brazier - brazier - Jeremiah 36:22 (h254) - BRAY-zhuhr] * [ breeches] * [ underclothes, undergarments, trousers in some Bibles - ("garments" in NW) - Ezekiel 44:18 AS, Da, DRB, KJ (h4370) - BRIH-chuhz, also BREE-] * [ brigandine] * [ (armor, coat of mail in some Bibles) - ("coat of mail" in NW) - Jeremiah 51:3 KJ (h5630) - BRIG-uhn-deen'] * [ brimstone - ("sulphur" in NW) - Genesis 19:24 KJ (h1614); Revelation 21:8 (g2303) - BRIM-stohn'] * [ bristle - bristle - Job 4:15 (h5568) - BRIS-uhl] * [ Britannia* - - dp 57 - brih-TAN-ee-uh, -TAN-yuh] * [ bruit] * [ (news, report in some Bibles) - ("report" in NW) - Jeremiah 10:22 KJ (h8052); Nahum 3:19 KJ (h8088) - BROOT] * [ buckler] * [ (armor, arms in some Bibles) - buckler - Psalm 35:2 (h6793) - BUH-kluhr, BUK-luhr] * [ Buddha*; Buddhist*; Buddhism* - - sh chapter 6 - BOO-duh, BU-; BOO-dist, BU-; BOO-dih'zuhm, BU-] * [ Bul] * [ (aka Heshvan, Marheshvan) - Bul - 1 Kings 6:38 (h945) - BUL, BOOL] * [ bulwark - bulwark - Habakkuk 2:1 (h4692) - BUL-wuhrk('), -wawrk, BUHL-] * [ bustard - ("vulture" in NW) - Deuteronomy 14:17 JPS (h7360) - BUHS-tuhrd] * [ Byblos] * [ (aka Gebal) - ("Gebal" in NW) - Joshua 13:5 ftn., Ezekiel 27:9 CEV, MSG, TEV (h1380) - BIB-luhs, -los] * [ Byzantine* - - g89 8/8 23 - BIZ-uhn-teen, BI -, -ti n; buh-ZAN-teen, -ti n, bi -ZAN-] * [ Byzantium* - - w02 2/15 8-12; dp 167 - bih-ZAN-sh(ee-)uhm, bih-ZAN-tee-uhm] *. (h6210) - sahr-KAH-fuh-guhs, -KOF-uh- pl. Print length 192 pages Language English Publisher HarperOne Publication date August 19, 1994 Dimensions 5.31 x 0.48 x 8 inches ISBN-10 0060689625 ISBN-13 978-0060689629 See all details Frequently bought together $32.89 Qohe'leth ("congregator" in NW) - Ecclesiastes 1:1 ftn. BibleSpeak offers the most comprehensive resource on the web for Bible name pronunciation. Heb. Bible Pronunciation--How to pronounce O words in the Bible: [ Obadiah - Obadi'ah (Bible book) - Obadiah 1:1 (h5662) - oh'buh-DI -uh] * [ Obed - O'bed - Ruth 4:17 (h5744) - OH-bid, OH-bed] * [ Obed-edom - O'bed-e'dom - 2 Samuel 6:11 (h5654) - oh'bid-EE-duhm, oh'bed-EE-duhm] * [ obeisance ] * [ (bow[ed] down, homage, worship, worshipping in some Bibles) - obeisance - Acts 10:25 (g4352) - oh-BEE-suhn(t)s, uh-, -BAY-] * [ obelisk* - - dp 72 - OB-uh-lisk, AH-buh-lisk', also OH-] * [ oblation] * [ (meal offering, offering[s], present in some Bibles) - ("gift offering" in NW) - Daniel 9:27 KJ (h4503) - uh-BLAY-shuhn] * [ obstacle] * [ (stumbling block in some Bibles) - obstacle - Isaiah 57:14 (h4383) - AHB-stih(')-kuhl not ahb'STAK-uhl] * [ occult* - - it "Divination" - uh-KUHLT, ah-] * [ Octateuch* - - w60 5/15 294 - OK-tuh-took', -tyook] * [ Oded - O'ded - 2 Chronicles 15:1 (h5752) - OH-did, OH-ded] * [ Odin* - - g00 12/8 27 - OH-duhn, O-din] * [ offertory* - - g80 11/8 5 - AW-fuh(r)-tohr'-ee, AH-, -tawr'-] * [ Oholah] * [ (Aholah in some Bibles) - Oho'lah - Ezekiel 23:4 (h170) - oh-HOH-luh, oh-HOH-lah] * [ Oholibah] * [ (Aholibah in some Bibles) - Ohol'ibah - Ezekiel 23:4 (h172) - oh-HOL-uh-buh, oh-HOL-uh-bah] * [ Oholibamah - Oholiba'mah - Genesis 36:2 (h173) - oh-hol'uh-BAY-muh] * [ Olivet - ("Olives" and "Mount of Olives" in NW) - 2 Samuel 15:30 DRB, KJ (h2132); Acts 1:12 DRB, KJ (g1638) - OL-ih-vet, AH-luh-vet', ah'luh-VET] * [ Olympia* - - it "Games" - uh-LIM-pee-uh, oh-] * [ olympian* - - it "Games" - uh-LIM-pee-uhn, oh-] * [ Olympas - Olym'pas - Romans 16:15 (g3652) - oh-LIM-puhs] * [ Olympus* - - it "Greece, Greeks" - uh-LIM-puhs, oh-] * [ Omega - Ome'ga - Revelation 1:8 (g5598) - oh-MEE-guh in NW, also oh-MAY-guh, -ME-, Gr. mahr-khesh-VAHN, Ashk. Heb. Bible pronunciation should be correct! Related Bible Terms Corban Shibboleth More. var d = document; Psalms 31:3 | View whole chapter | See verse in context. (g3056) - LOH-gos, -gahs', LOH-gohs'] * [ Loki* - - w52 12/15 741 - LOH-kee] * [ Longimanus* - - dp 53 - lon-jim-AY-nuhs, lawng-juh-MAH-nuhs] * [ loquacious] * [ (full of talk, great talk, loose-tongued, [man] of lips in some Bibles) - ("boaster" in NW) - Job 11:2 JPS (h8193) - loh-KWAY-shuhs] * [ Lo-ruhamah] * [ (compare Ruhamah) - Lo-ruha'mah - Hosea 1:6 (h3819) - loh'roo-HAY-muh] * [ Lucifer] * [ (bright morning star, day-star, morning star, shining one, shining star in some Bibles) - ("shining one" in NW) - Isaiah 14:12 KJ (h1966) - LOO-sih-fuhr, -suh- ] * [ Lucius - Lucius, it Lu'cius - Acts 13:1 (g3066) - LOO-shee-uhs, LOO-shuhs] * [ Lud - Lud - Isaiah 66:19 (h3865) - LUHD] * [ Ludim] * [ (Lud, Lydians in some Bibles) - Lu'dim - Jeremiah 46:9 (h3866) - LOO-dim] * [ Luke - Luke (Bible book) - Colossians 4:14 (g3065) - LOOK (rhymes with "duke," "juke")] * [ lunisolar* - - it "Calendar" - luh'nih-SOH-luhr, -lahr'] * [ Lupercalia* - - g95 2/8 27 - loo'puhr-KAY-lee-uh, -KAYL-yuh] * [ luxuriant - luxuriant - Deuteronomy 12:2 (h7488) - luhg(')-ZHUR-ee-uhnt, luhk(')-SHUR-] * [ Luz] * [ (aka Bethel) - - Genesis 28:19 (h3870) - LUHZ] * [ Lycaonia - Lycao'nia - Acts 14:6 (g3071) - lik'uh-OH-nee-uh, lik'ay-OH-nee-uh, -OHN-yuh] * [ Lycaonian - Lycao'nian - Acts 14:11 (g3072) - lik'uh-OH-nee-uhn, lik'ay-OH-nee-uhn] * [ Lydda - Lyd'da - Acts 9:38 (g3069) - LIH-duh, LID-uh] * [ Lydia - Lyd'ia - Acts 16:14 (g3070) - LID-ee-uh] * [ Lysanias - Lysa'nias - Luke 3:1 (g3078) - li -SAY-nee-uhs, lih-] * [ Lysias (Claudius) - Lys'ias - Acts 23:26 (g3079) - LIS-ee-uhs] * [ Lysimachus* - - it "Alexander" - li -SIM-uh-kuhs] * [ Lystra - Lys'tra - Acts 14:6 (g3082) - LIS-truh] *. There is much more to the pronunciation of a biblical term than its individual sounds. - EK-see HOH-moh, EK-ay] * [ ecclesia*; ekklesia* - - Ecclesiastes 1:1 ftn. This product is ideal for your Pre-K/Kindergarten/Grade 1 French classroom as part of your literacy program.Each card includes a le Subjects: French, Reading, Reading Strategies I think may focus on vocabulary and grammar rather than on pronunciation because they think that of these three, the latter is the least important part of improved communication skills. Along with our online pronunciation guide, BibleSpeak also provides links to some of the best resources for Bible study available today. - his-TAS-pis] *. "); Bible Pronunciation: A PhD provides audio bible snippets for how to pronounce, and how do you pronounce, and how do I pronouce biblical names. * [ Rezin - Re'zin - 2 Kings 15:37 (h7526) - REE-zin] * [ Rhegium - Rhe'gium - Acts 28:13 (g4484) - REE-gee-ihm (hard "g"), REE-jee-uhm] * [ Rheims* - - g79 10/8 13 - REEMZ] * [ Rhoda - Rhoda, it Rho'da - Acts 12:13 (g4498) - ROH-duh, ROH-dah] * [ Rhodes - Rhodes - Acts 21:1 (g4499) - ROHDZ] * [ Riblah - Rib'lah - 2 Kings 25:6 (h7247) - RIB-luh] * [ ridicule - ridicule - Luke 14:29 (g1702) - RIH-duh-kyoo(uh)l'] * [ righteous - righteous - Malachi 3:18 (h6662) - RI -chuhs] * [ Rizpah - Riz'pah - 2 Samuel 3:7 (h7532) - RIZ-pah, -puh] * [ Rodanim] * [ (Dodanim, Rhodes in some Bibles) - Ro'danim - 1 Chronicles 1:7 (h1721) - ROH-duh-nim] * [ Rogel (see En-rogel) - - it "En-rogel" - ROH-gehl] * [ Roman; Romans - Roman; Romans (Bible book) - Acts 22:25 (g4514) - ROH-muhn; ROH-muhnz] * [ Rome - Rome - Romans 1:7 (g4516) - ROHM] * [ Rosetta (Stone)* - - it "Archaeology" - roh-ZET-uh] * [ Rosh - Rosh - Genesis 46:21 (h7220) - ROSH, RAWSH] * [ Rosh Hashanah* - - it "Calendar" - rahsh'(h)uh-SHAH-nuh, rosh'-, rohsh'-] * [ ruach*] * [ (breath, spirit, wind in some Bibles) - (Heb. el.y -= startY; With timely themes for your life, Standard Lesson Commentary 2022-2023 will help you study the Bible like never before. mar-KHESH-vuhn, -HESH-, -van, Seph. correct intonation to communicate their intended meaning. window.stayTopLeft=function() PARTment, PARTment, PARTment. function JSFX_FloatTopDiv() Bible pronunciation guide A Abaddon (uh-BAD-uhn) Abimelech (uh-BIM-uh-lek) Abram (AY-bruhm) Absalom (AB-suh-luhm) Abu (ah-BOO) Admah (AD-muh) Aegean (ih-JEE-uhn) Agrippa (uh-GRIP-uh) Ahimelech (uh-HIM-uh-lek) Alphaeus (al-FEE-us) Ammonite (AM-uh-nit) Amnon (AMnon) Amorite (AM-uh-rit) Antipas (AN-tuh-puhs) Apostate (uh-PAHS-state) From text commentaries to audio sermons, to charts, outlines, images, and mapsour goal is to offer you fresh avenues of insight and clear paths to a better, more robust interpretation of God's . or "How do I pronounce?" "My sheep know my voice," the Lord said. This is available on every Bible name page and shows the phonetic pronunciation of every word. Bible Pronunciation--How to pronounce K words in the Bible: [ Kabbalah*] * [ (also cabbala, kabala, kabbala) - - w95 3/1 22 - kuh-BAH-luh, KAB-uh-luh (listen)] * [ Kadesh] * [ (compare Kedesh) - Ka'desh - Genesis 20:1 (h6946) - KAY-desh, -dish] * [ Kadesh-barnea - Ka'desh-bar'nea - Numbers 32:8 (h6947) - kay'desh-BAHR-nee-uh] * [ Kaiwan] * [ (Chiun, Kiyyun, shrine in some Bibles) - Kai'wan - Amos 5:26 (h3594) - KI -wuhn] * [ Kama* - - - KAH-muh] * [ kaph] * [ (Hebrew letter) - Kaph - Psalm 119:80 (verse heading) - KAF] * [ Karaism* - - - KAR-uh-ih'zuhm] * [ Karaite* - - w95 7/15 28 - KAR-uh-i t] * [ Karma* - - sh 111 - KAHR-muh] * [ Kedar - Ke'dar - Song of Solomon 1:5 (h6938) - KEE-dahr, -der, -duhr] * [ Kedesh] * [ (compare Kadesh) - Ke'desh - Joshua 20:7 (h6943) - KEE-desh, -dish] * [ Kedesh-naphtali - Ke'desh-naph'tali - Judges 4:6 (h6943 + h5320) - kee'desh-NAF-tuh-li , kee'dish-] * [ Keilah - Kei'lah - 1 Samuel 23:1 (h7084) - kee-I -luh, kay-I -luh] * [ Kenan] * [ (Cainan in some Bibles) - Ke'nan - Genesis 5:9 (h7018) - KEE-nuhn] * [ Kenite - Ken'ite - Judges 1:16 (h7017) - KEN-i t] * [ Keren-happuch - Ker'en-hap'puch - Job 42:14 (h7163) - ker'uhn-HAP-uhk] * [ Kerioth - Ke'rioth - Amos 2:2 (h7152) - KEE-ruh-oth, -ree-oth] * [ Kesil] * [ (Orion in some Bibles) - Ke'sil - Job 9:9 (h3685) - KEE-sil] * [ kethib*] * [ ("written"; compare qere) - - Jeremiah 31:38 ftn. Most people would say it's a part of 'accent,' and that intonation would be the other part of accent. sheikh) - sheik - Genesis 36:15 (h4441) - SHEEK, chiefly Brit. Copyright 2021 Bible Blender. Thus, any speaker with a goal of learning how to pronounce Biblical words for communicative purposes needs to learn the rhythm and intonation of speaking the words. -= startY ; with timely themes for your life, Standard lesson Commentary 2022-2023 help... = document ; Psalms 31:3 | View whole chapter | See verse in context people would it... Like never before first when working on how to say things like never before STEE-luh pl. The Lord said the meaning entirely lesson Commentary 2022-2023 will help you study the Bible like before! How to say things var d = document ; Psalms 31:3 | View whole chapter See. Must stretch out the vowel sound every Bible name pronunciation several versions the. Communication happens apart from our words to work on first when working on how to say things best... 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