buffalo grass vs st augustine

St. Augustine has many variations; however, they all have similar characteristics in terms of behavior and maintenance requirements. Some of this is because St Augustine does best in sandy soils, which need to be water more shallowly and more frequently than other soils as water quickly drains away, and in part because of its shallow root structure. If left to grow, centipede grass will top out at 4 to 5". What soil PH level is good for buffalo grass? And once it does, youll be able to enjoy all the benefits that this low-maintenance type of grass has to offer. Disclosure: This post may contain affiliate links. In my opinion, choosing which one is better depends on the type of grass you prefer; Bahia grass is known to be softer and lighter under the feet whereas St. Augustine can be rather coarse or rough. 512-467 . Vancouver BC V6Z 0E2 Alongside its most common uses, Bahia grass is accepted as a great lawn choice for those with acreage or large garden spaces in general. If anything its going to be the other way around, as St Augustine is the more aggressive of the two. Its quick to brown when the first frosts arrive, and slow to green when the winter finally ends. If youve ever walked barefoot across the grass in the South, theres a chance you walked over centipede grass. This growing behavior means this grass can become invasive if not maintained. Well in todays post were going to talk about both kinds of grass and Ill go over some major differences that may help you make your decision if you have not already done so. If youre patient and take some measures to encourage the growth of Buffalo grass, eventually it will take over your lawn. It is not drought tolerant at all, needing twice as much water as Bermuda grass. Its also easy to establish in yards. But if you leave it be with only the occasional mowing, itll thrive. Itll need more water and weeding during this period, but your patience will pay off as it becomes virtually indestructible and extremely low maintenance. (+ Pros & Cons). We are reader-supported and may receive a commission on purchases made through links on this page. Australia and South Africa refer to St Augustine as Buffalo Grass or Buffalo Turf. Floratam St. Augustine Grass. Most importantly, proper lawn care and maintenance is the number one method for prevention of pests and weeds in both St. Augustine and Bermuda grass. Additionally, this kind of grass is a good choice for people who live near the ocean or in other hot, humid climates. It can handle the heat, humidity, and salt of the subtropical region, and unlike its closest and most popular competitor Bermuda, it can handle some shade. Its a soft grass, which makes it enjoyable as a tactile, roll-around option, ideal in areas where children (and adults) like to play. Whilst this grass is not aggressive by nature, it can block out weeds and also suffocate other plants that try to cultivate within it. It is important to water St. Augustine grass deeply and infrequently, allowing the water to penetrate the soil to a depth of 6 inches. Bahia grass can be grown through seed or sod and is known to have a longer growth period than other grass types; this slow growth rate can sometimes cause weed issues in early establishment, however, is short lived once matured. St. Augustine grass, on the other hand, starts to die in temperatures below 25 degrees Fahrenheit, making it a hair more susceptible to cold damage. However, it will dominate if its optimum conditions are met, while other grasses needs arent being fulfilled but the same can be said for almost all grass types. With a name like Buffalo Grass, you might expect this grass to be especially rough underfoot. Its known as buffalo turf in Australia and buffalo grass in South Africa. Note: Don't use a corn meal pre-emergent for weeds in a season you are trying to germinate clover seed. Buffalo Grass should be kept taller at 3 to 4 inches or even left at its maximum height of 6 inches. Zoysia and Buffalo grass are two of the most popular grasses used for both small and large scale lawns. St. Augustine is a thirsty plant, and it needs regular watering to maintain a healthy appearance. A prominent tropical and subtropical species, you will also find it planted and growing healthily in many countries south of the equator. As for appearance, theyre recognizable for their fine, hair-like aesthetic, with thin blades that are no more than 1/16-inch or less and that taper into a pronounced tip. This includes into your garden beds, over your driveway, and it may even invade your neighbours lawn. If you think your Buffalo grass has been infected with something, its best to contact an expert before the problem worsens. No longer is Buffalo grass sharp and scratchy, but it has been altered to no be much less problematic for allergy sufferers. This means that youll have to mow your lawn less often if you choose buffalo over st Augustine. However, if you dont mind putting in a bit of extra effort, St Augustine is a tough and durable grass that can withstand a lot of wear and tear. Hi! Cutting Buffalo grass too short is one of the most common mistakes people make when caring for this type of lawn, because it causes excessive stress on the plant and makes it more susceptible to damage from diseases and parasites. Best for Shaded Areas with Sprinkler Systems. In these areas, buffalo grass may be a better option. It needs little, if any, fertilizer and likes. Or you can use those older cultivars as a basis for a prairie/plains meadow, sowing prairie wildflowers and other native grasses for a truly eco-friendly backyard. Buffalo grass and St. Augustine grass are both types of warm-season grasses, meaning that they are well-suited to areas with hot, humid climates. It is also a drought-tolerant type of grass, which means that it can survive in dry conditions. If I HAD to make a choice. This type of grass is a good choice for people who live near the ocean or in other areas where there is a lot of salt in the air. To the untrained eye, all grass might well look alike its all green, right? Other than that, caring for St. Augustine grass is pretty straight forward and doesnt require a lot of effort. To learn more, check out our complete guide to Buffalo Grass. When it comes to lawns, people have very strong opinions on what makes a great lawn, and what it takes to make a lawn thrive. If you love Buffalo grass, youll be happy to know that there are many varieties. Tall fescue is a different species altogether, and weve not included it in this particular article. Key Differences Between Bahia Grass and St. Augustine Grass, Characteristics, Growing Conditions and Appearance, Planting and Caring for St. Augustine Grass. It prefers alkaline soils, although it can grow in slightly acidic soils as well. As we mentioned above, Buffalo grass is native to North America while St Augustine is native to Africa and Asia. They both grow by stolons and turn dormant during the winter, so thats not a key difference, but if youre in an area with a mild or colder winter, then its more likely Buffalo Grass. On the other hand, St Augustine is a much faster-growing type of grass. The quick answer is, yes! Its like comparing chalk and cheese. Buffalo grass grows best in sandy soil while St Augustine prefers clay or loamy soil. Having either buffalo grass or st. Augustine in your lawn is a great choice for homeowners looking to minimize their water usage and save money in these tough economic times, but in the end, it all comes down to personal preference and whats best for your individual lawn. Depending on where youre purchasing from, a pallet of sod will cover around 450 square feet, while a tray of 18 plugs will cover 32 square feet. The stolons are a dark reddish/brown colour and spread flat along the surface of the soil, as you can see clearly in the below video. Having both stolons above ground and rhizomes beneath ground help Buffalo grass and St. Augustine repair from damage naturally. This can be both a blessing and a curse, as you might not notice that St. Augustine actually has a problem. The grass is coarse texture grass, and it has flat blades. Left long, the grass blades will bow in a beautifully wavy look. What Happens if Grass Gets too Much Nitrogen? Both zoysia grass and bermuda grass are somewhat similar to St. Augustine because theyre all warm-season grasses. However, certain insects and diseases can also cause Buffalo grass to go dormant. This grass does best when fertilized monthly and is not as needy as grasses such as Bermuda, which requires a heftier maintenance schedule. A warm and humid atmosphere near coastal regions is favorable for St Augustine grass. Hard fescue, sheep fescue, chewings fescue, creeping red fescue, and slender creeping red fescue are the main types. The blades of buffalo grass are coarse but also very soft to touch, which makes it more favorable to many homeowners looking for low-maintenance grass that still looks good all year long. Pests & Disease And thats just the tip of the iceberg for differences. harmony st augustine grassRelated. Also, if you live in an area with heavy winters, st. Augustine may not be a good choice for you; it tends to die back in cold weather, leaving bare patches where snow collects. St. Augustine grass, or carpetgrass, is a popular warm-season grass that grows across subtropical states in the southern U.S, ranging from North Carolina to Florida and across to coastal regions of Texas. Known for its lush appearance and drought tolerance, buffalo grass thrives in hot, dry conditions and grows best in warmer climates. St. Augustine grass and centipede grass are two of the most common warm-season grasses. Consider your budget, the amount of maintenance youre willing to do, and the climate you live in before choosing which one is right for you. Other lawn care tools that can help prevent thatch problems include dethatching rakes and vertical mowers. A popular warm season grass, St. Augustine is best suited to hotter climes, in places such as Florida, Southern California, and the Gulf states. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Mow fescue when it gets to around 3-3 1/2 -inches, and to not less than two inches in height. Buffalo on the other hand only needs mowing every 2-3 weeks. Buffalo grass is a blue-green colour while St Augustine is a dark green colour. St Augustine prefers full sun but can tolerate part shade, so long as it gets about 4 hours of sun per day. Raleigh St. Augustine; Palmetto St. Augustine; Texas Native St. Augustine; Celebration Bermuda; Proud Members. How Much Topsoil Do You Need Over Fill Dirt? Since Seville can survive and endure in lawn areas with only 6 to 7 hours of sunshine, it is considered a favored choice among landscapers for moderately shaded lawns. Kikuyu is more likely to spread outside the boundaries of your lawn over time. Prairie, Stampede and 619 are the common selections. When it comes to soil, these grasses are complete opposites. Sitemap | About Us | Affiliate Disclosure | Contact Me | Privacy Policy. In fact, some grass species might be even better for your yard, depending on your personal preferences or region. Buffalo grass and St. Augustine have stems above the soil surface, also referred to as stolons, as well as rhizomes growing under the surface. Best Lawn Care Tools for Beginners (What You Need and How to Use Them). Neither grass is considered invasive, but St Augustine will choke out fescue if and when it comes into contact with it and conditions are met. On top of this, certain things can cause Buffalo grass to go dormant during the winter. Because it acts like a warm-season grass, its peak growth is during the heat of summer and goes dormant in the spring and fall. Its certainly not as assertive and invasive as tall fescue. Most visually attractive: Centipede grass. Growing fine fescue requires a soil pH level of between 5.0 to 6.5. Need professional help with your project? St Augustine needs a lot of fertilizer to stay happy. This makes it a versatile grass, but theres other warm-season grasses that like shade without so many drawbacks. (Answered!). While St Augustine can also survive in hot weather, it is a better choice for people who live near the ocean or in other areas where there is a lot of salt in the air as this particular type of grass is salt-tolerant. As an Amazon Associate we earn from qualifying purchases. Water the lawn deeply but infrequently. The traditional, scratchy Buffalo grass of the past has been drastically improved upon over time. Take a look at this article for more help with yellow grass in general. Making the choice between Buffalo grass and St Augustine can be tough. How to Protect Grass From Frost & What to Do. Follow our fertilizer recommendations of nitrogen in the summer months and potassium in the early fall. St. Augustine grass and Bahia grass are two warm-season turf grasses that both grow well in warm and sunny conditions. Both buffalo grass and St. Augustine grass are popular lawn varieties that can be planted in warmer climates like those found in Florida, Texas, and California. The Big Freeze! However, St. Augustine grass requires regular fertilizer and pesticides, as its prone to disease and can be fussy in a nonideal environment. How to Make Grass Thicker, Greener and Fuller The Essential Guide. You can mow St Augustine low at 2 to 3 inches tall for a more manicured look or left longer to reduce mowing. There is no doubting that both Bahia grass and St. Augustine are great choices for your garden; they are valued for their strength and durability as well as heat resistance. Perennial Ryegrass Vs Tall Fescue: Whats Better For My Lawn? Decades ago, if you lived in Florida, you had a choice of St Augustine, St Augustine, or St Augustine. USDA hardiness zones: 7 to 12. This is mostly because buffalo grass is much easier to maintain. Native to North America, Buffalo Grass is uniquely adapted to handle everything that the tricky and unpredictable Transition Zone can throw at it. Theyre both so similar in terms of usefulness that deciding is definitely difficult, but youll have to consider the pros and cons of each to decide what you like best. This means that you may spend more time (and money) doctoring your lawn than actually enjoying it and disease could still kill it off. Though centipede grass originates from Southeast Asia, it quickly spread across the U.S. in the early 20th century and continues to be a staple choice for lawns today. Despite their similarities, as we have seen, Buffalo grass and St Augustine are two very different types of grass. Firstly, it has a very slow growth rate making it easy to control. Heres what you need to know about the great grass debate between buffalo grass vs St. Augustine grass. While both spread to create new blades of grass, rhizomes are underground while stolons are above ground. Similarly, St. Augustine grass also has relatively wide, hearty blades. St. Augustine and Bahia grass are both great lawn choices if you live in hotter climates and want a low maintenance yard, which, lets be real, dont we all? However, St Augustine is also more tolerant of being mowed short, so you wont have to mow it as high as Buffalo grass. Centipede Grass. Centipede grass lawns should be mown very short, down to 1", and will need to be mown infrequently. On the other hand, St Augustine is a more expensive option. drought tolerance, low maintenance, aesthetically pleasing, etc.). Whilst this grass is not among the MOST invasive of the grasses, it does have some invasive attributes. This type of grass is known for being very tough and durable. This means youll need a pretty frequent fertilizer schedule, with either applications of synthetic fertilizers every 8 to 10 weeks, or compost topdressing twice a year with compost tea boosts each month (but if youre going the organic route, itd be a lot easier to start with a lower maintenance and more resilient grass). Welcome to Sod and Seed, Inc! Many grass types grow through stolons as well as rhizomes, however, St. Augustine can only be established through stolons. If you need help deciding which grass option will work best in your yard, consider hiring a local lawn service to make a determination. This means that it will need to be mowed more often. This is mostly attributed due to the fact that it spreads from stolons only, where as majority of grasses are assisted through growing with rhizomes too. I write about everything about lawn care and gardening and the dread-it-but-still-need-to-do-it chores around the yard, like cleaning out the gutter guards. The short answer is yes, Buffalo grass can eventually take over a St Augustine lawn. The differences start with color: St Augustine is a medium green or blue-green, while Kikuyu is a bright green. St Augustine is a full-fledged warm-season grass that can only thrive in subtropical areas (USDA Zone 9 and 10). Bermuda grass, compared to St. Augustine, has much thinner blades, is softer to the touch, and has a higher tolerance for colder weather. The strength of this grass is very much due to the thick carpet it creates which helps the plant to absorb and retain water better, allowing it to perform great as a heat and drought resistant option for many homeowners. In addition, there are 11 cultivars available that make excellent turf grass. Zoysia vs. St. Augustine Grass Mowing Heights and Growth Habits. For a faster start, you can also use plugs which will spread within 8 to 12 weeks of planting. Bahia and St. Augustine are great, but what do you think; which one is better? The blades of buffalo are also very flat, which makes them great for sports fields or areas where you may want your grass to look extra lush. St Augustine is often a thinner grass, which makes it easier for weeds to take over. Catering to a lawn that has mixed needs is going to be a real challenge. For both small and large scale lawns has a problem for Buffalo grass is known for lush. Turf grasses that like shade without so many drawbacks stolons as well as rhizomes, however certain! Of sun per day be especially rough underfoot 1/2 -inches, and it needs,... The problem worsens the tip of the equator I earn from qualifying.! The gutter guards be happy to know that there are 11 cultivars available that Make excellent turf grass best! That has mixed needs is going to be mown infrequently to 4 inches or even left its. Is going to be mown very short, down to 1 & quot,... South of the past has been drastically improved upon over time faster start, you had a choice of Augustine. 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