gvsig vs qgis

12. :-) So here is one note to point no.1 for your consideration. Dot density maps and stacked charts are unique qualities to ArcMap. The menus will be different then! If you can get by with QGIS, then by all means it should be the way to go. In this lesson, we will represent the landuse layer in a way to easily identify Swellendam city from the other residential area, and from the other types of landuse (based on their area). when was this article written and who wrote it? were always related to one of the experimental plugins (QGIS offers You never realized how powerful the ArcGIS Add Data could be, did you? Its like an interactive pivot table creator integrated into QGIS. QGIS was born to work with PostGIS. Ive used both ArcGIS and QGIS extensively. GIS: Comparing QGIS and gvSIG? It's really messy now. I believe they will be cleaned up eventually, as it happened with the very useful Near Table command, but we are still not there. (Its the Difference tool). Nothing mentioned for both packages about the ability to drag and drop datasets and even aerial photos. http://www.youtube.com/user/sextantelibrary, The philosopher who believes in Web Assembly, Improving the copy in the close modal and post notices - 2023 edition, New blog post from our CEO Prashanth: Community is the future of AI, Comparison of Open Source Desktop GIS Packages. The Orfeo toolbox delivers a range of tools to filter, process, and manipulate raster data. 1. I used the less than symbol and it confused it for an HTML tag. ArcGIS vs QGIS, Cul elegir? Hi, A great article to read and understand. Yes professional software costs money, so does Microsoft Office, Paintshop Pro and Eagle CAD software. See, Load your data and go to the change source transformation. And in 2016 we can actually say it has become a fully professional software with 100% functionalities. I will be using this to communicate the differences, etc. The Qgis2threejs plugin can catapult you in three dimensions. In QGIS, you can export to SVG, but Illustrator often has trouble reading SVGs. If the user uses only ArcGIS Core and it doesnt matter what edition is used, you are right. Remember that with great power comes responsibility. This plugin takes a spreadsheet (CSV) containing multiple addresses and adds them to the map canvas as points. We found it difficult to set up. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Drop tools in your Model Builder Diagram and connect them. 9. Layers with same coordinates not lining up. in QGIS). Determining unknown Coordinate System using QGIS? No questions asked. gvSIG is an under-rated option for everyday GIS uses. ArcGIS for Server was launched to replace ArcIMS, and its quality and functionality is unquestionable. For example, you can find some slick QGIS server web maps in the QGIS case studies that uses Leaflet clients as webmap examples. And Open Source is a thing of beauty. A new model of development based on knowledge sharing, solidarity and cooperation. It has become an invaluable tool for my work as a self-employed consultant. Also on licensing front, why not mention ArcGIS for Home use, a reasonable annual fee that gives you ArcGIS for Desktop Advanced for research & private use. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. Simple reason.licence. You can do location/allocation and more in QGIS thanks to GRASS. What I do like in the ArcGIS are its extensions. Watch polar ice caps melt over time. ArcGIS is more feature-rich than QGIS, with advanced mapping capabilities such as 3D terrain modelling and street view integration. Watch Google, Amazon, Yahoo, Apple and the like. For instance, I have a Basic Desktop license (ArcGIS 10.4) setup in my office and so much of the advanced 3D analysis tools are inaccessible to me. Very clear and easily understandable! I am reviewing a very bad paper - do I have to be nice? There are solutions for practically EVERY GIS problem. There are a number of 3rd party companies and consultancies that provide professional support for QGIS, database and FOSS mapping portal software, most bsed in Europe. See. We have now installed QGIS 2.18.6 installed in our office as an alternative to counter such restrictions. Please take a look at our new comparison https://gisgeography.com/arcgis-pro-vs-qgis-3/. MasterGIS 89.2K subscribers Subscribe 1.1K 44K views 3 years ago Cul es mejor? Its painless to create data in ArcMap. Yes, QGIS does the transforming "on-the-fly", just for rendering. Geographic Information Systems Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for cartographers, geographers and GIS professionals. Access to the source code is a precondition for this. Id give Arc an edge on CRS mostly because of user friendlyness issues, mostly for newer users. READ MORE: What is Remote Sensing? QGIS atlas and ArcGIS data-driven pages are for quantity. Should lines touch the boundary of polygons? If there was a way where ArcGIS could do polyline feature extraction from raster imagery (i.e., highways, highway ramps, even over passes), that would be the bomb. Great article. For my understanding, one aspect is to be completely ignored: The long-term perspectives and politics. In geodatabases, users can set up subtypes, domains and default data entry. It also allows you to define custom CRS and supports on-the-fly projection of vector and raster layers. This is the boon of using open source softwares: you can try them without spending anything! Though QGIS have good sides but I have only worked with ArcGIS. This saves time for analysts. large set of GRASS GIS functions (in QGIS you can access all when Quite priceless. But I still can't get "EPSG 26972 NAD83/Illinois" to work on gvSIG. Instead of wasting time trying to add space-delimited files, the QGIS interface lets you roll it in 24 hours a day. Geostatistical Analyst is genius. But it is a whole new story with the Data Interoperabilty extension. ArcGIS (probably intendedly) lacks of PostgreSQL support. Software Alternatives & Reviews . A huge advantage of QGIS is to allow several print compositions in one single project. Combining the capabilities of a fully capable relational database that is PostgreSQL, all of the spatial capabilities of PostGIS, and everything QGIS is capable of makes for truly incredible capabilities. Type an address. Fields associated with this geometry can be used within text labels. Since I use Qgis and I don't have any experience in gvSIG, I aways say that both are very nice softwares and the chose is a matter of liking vanilla or chocolate. If so, what is being transformed? The exploratory regression tools in ArcGIS are well-made because the outputs allow users to connect statistics with their data. For a smaller organization or an org just starting into GIS, those tools can be a game changer. So its best to give QGIS 3 a bit of time to at least get to their LTR 3.4, or perhaps 3.6 according to their road map https://www.qgis.org/en/site/getinvolved/development/roadmap.html. 2887. READ MORE: Time Series Animation in ArcGIS, Social scientists often construct thematic maps because they show a particular theme connected with a specific geographic area. Access to the source code is a precondition for this. gvSIG is known for having a user-friendly interface, being able to access the most common formats, both gvsig uses sextante as raster processing framework. My question: Will output (file) created in QGIS be identical with one created in ArcGIS? Thanks for contributing an answer to Geographic Information Systems Stack Exchange! As stated, great article. And a good road network is trivial to turn into a routing solution. See http://www.gnu.org/philosophy/free-sw.en.html. Since this article was published, QGIS has been expanded significantly. With ArcCatalog, its not only for data but also maps, models, and tools. A cool trend are ArcGIS story maps because everyone has a story to tell. GeoNet is pretty disorganised and not terribly up to date, stackexchange is generally better for problem solving. There are two projects for this: gvSIG mobile and gvSIG mini. You are still talking about print composer while it is now print layout/layout manager. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. Are there that many production systems utilizing QGIS, other than the occasional desktop user (who is probably the same person with linux on a box somewhere ;-) Im talking about Server based solutions with in house maps, mobile maps, etc, And Esris movement into directed solutions for Utilities, Local Governments, etc is another step in the right direction. Its such a simple idea for selecting colors. The Data-Driven Pages toolbar and the Cartographer Toolbox is the one-two punch combo for mapbooks. Retrieve old MXDs because we all have to return to unfinished business. Hi Calvin, this will happen early in 2019. ArcGIS is so far ahead theres no comparison. While QGIS is offered for free, they do accept donations. I find dealing with CRS much MUCH easier in QGIS. You double-click to end a sketch in ArcGIS. When you run redundant tasks as a scheduled model, you can sit at home in your bathrobe all day long (and still get work done.). ArcGIS for Server. But not all editing tools are created equal. As a GIS user you should use all the tools at your disposal, you shouldnt be limited to proprietary software but mix it with FOSS, some things do things better than other things! I'm using Mac OS 10.6.8 Snow Leopard, gvSIG 1.10. On the other hand, labeling options in QGIS seem to be more How can I test if a new package version will pass the metadata verification step without triggering a new package version? It has tools to pinpoint your labels, set up mapbooks, and link data frames with easy extent rectangles. ArcGIS has better documentation for tools. Using both ArcGIS and QGIS, you can become a thematic mapping legend. I guess you meant "I encountered an error in gvSIG"? Presentation: http://diobma.udg.edu/handle/10256.1/4297. When comparing the ESRI home license keep in mind that it is not licensed for commercial use; so if you are an individual consultant or small partnership that uses GIS in its line of work then that could raise issues with ESRI legal. If your map spans multiple projections, use the Calculate UTM zone tool. I am still learning how to use coordinate systems and projections, but I hope this basic question will be easy to answer. I cannot comment on QGIS. Last but not least, I think ArcGIS pulled ahead with ArcGIS Pro, subject for a follow-up? Register | Login. GRASS GIS, commonly referred to as GRASS (Geographic Resources Analysis Support System), is a free and open source Geographic Information System (GIS) software suite used for geospatial data management and analysis, image processing, graphics and maps production, spatial modeling, and visualization. Inspect your topology with over 30 rules with the error inspector. - Apports/formations techniques sur QGIS et GRASS. Who was hired to do this? Other options are to filter (reclass or extraction toolsets) or simplify data (generalization toolset). When you make a table joins in QGIS, it gives the option to rename the prefix of that specific join. Dont forget all the QGIS edit widget. Perform wicked fly-throughs. Curved labels are available in QGIS too, even if some corner-cases could be not that good-looking (very curvy lines). I was able to start a new project with "EPSG 4326 WGS 84" as the default CRS, add the layer, then change the Project Properties to "EPSG 26972 NAD83/Illinois (West)" to change the look from wide to narrow. How can I detect when a signal becomes noisy? QGIS is free. If you mention ArcGIS Online perhaps you should mention QGIS online, not just their web stack but also integration with the likes of AWS, or other service s.a. qgiscloud.com. GRASS r.cost is for cost surfaces. Make a separate toolbar for annotations. Things move at the speed of light in GIS. students used gvSIG. You probably grew up using ArcGIS or QGIS, And every day, you sit down at your computer desk. These subtle differences give your labels serious pop. 22. I would like to see how QGIS 3.0 now rates with ArcGIS. 27. QGIS offers a range of tools for editing like reshaping, splitting and tracing (with the AutoTrace plugin). Adicionalmente, asist a las 7mas jornadas internacionales de gvSIG para mostrar los resultados obtenidos. And it appears that keeping "On the fly" checked in both QGIS Preferences and Project Properties is essential. rev2023.4.17.43393. Could a torque converter be used to couple a prop to a higher RPM piston engine? When other data sets are added in other coordinate systems, ArcGIS will project the data on the fly. When you join a table to spatial data, youre putting each row on the map. If youre in the map-making business, you should use data driven pages in ArcGIS. You have to stop editing in order to add a new field if thats what you meant. But if you need a portable GIS application (that runs on the stick, eventually) or you want to get support for MrSID files in Linux, gvSIG could be an option. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. This is not possible in gvSIG as far as I know (number Virtual Fields, no longer need to put your data in geodatabase to automaticly update area and length attributes. Integration with new stuffs like Carto DB, MapBox..and all new elements are really exciting and hope to see more and more. Share Improve this answer Follow answered Sep 9, 2011 at 11:53 community wiki Francisco Puga Add a comment 2 It means that I can legally offer my services without a financial overhead that competes with a mortgage. QGIS now has you previous maps on load within the main screen, along with a little screenshot. And the possibility to make lots of different maps (size, theme, orientation with the same project and not having to make a new project for each map is beautiful. With reference to cartography you should mention the in built advanced effects which QGIS has such as shadowing and burning etc.far more options than the ESRI alternative. ESRIs QA is very poor. But I want to have a better answer for that question, so I would like to hear from people with experience on both of them, what drove you to choose one or the other as your favorite opensource desktop GIS. A large, diversified user community prevents a capitalization. No standouts. It has iterators to do for and while loops. gvSIG Mobile is designed for field data collection and offers a more user-friendly interface. You can create simple gradients with two or multiple colors. LOL. It would really go a along way to introduce new users to the two softwares. VS. gvSIG. You create features by setting up feature templates. But looking at the cost means if it would have been free then QGIS would not have come close. Resolve topology issues with automatic or manual fixes. Site design / logo 2023 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under CC BY-SA. Its informative, well-written, and practical. The work is in putting the networks together, whether road, pipe or electrical (etc). A generic search for environment returns over 2887 GIS datasets. READ MORE: Free GIS Programming Tutorials: Learn How to Code. The first analyzes surfaces while the second analyzes spatial distributional phenomena. Google Maps; ArcGIS; Mapbox; Google Earth Pro; QGIS has the same functionality as ArcGIS Model Builder and its called Graphical Modeler. The gvSIG Mini Maps gives users access to a completely free set of maps from multiple sources. Once a company has a near-monopoly, they can do whatever they want, including proprietary data formats, price policies, offer or restrictions of processing tools (often labelled as user customization), availability of data, security of personal data, enforced cloud storage (unencrypted, of course), disclosure of data etc. This is my personal list. But QGIS deserves an edge for remote sensing. Ive been using ESRI since 2002 and Qgis since 2011, I would like you to take note that integration of Qgis with OpenStreetMap and services like QgisCloud and CartoDB make a powerful combination for publishing online. One-by-one, you can go through errors and fix them. The edge goes to ArcCatalog because of its options. QGIS support is very active. Congratulations! Automate everything. We love ArcGIS ModelBuilder. I learned some good things that I did not know! ArcGIS can export the Map Layout as an Illustrator (.ai) file with layers however QGIS just does not have any plugin which can do this job. QGIS have another plugin called QuickMapServices that along side with Open Layers gives you a variety of base maps. 2. Where does QGIS really shine? And what about speed? We cant close our eyes for future perspectives. By default QGIS does not present aerial photos in the correct colors. One option to geocode is through ArcGIS Online Geocoding. UserGuiding. There is a. Raster projection on-the-fly (starting from version 1.7); the Community is mostly English-based, which means that all documentation (e.g. And ArcGIS Model Builder is the most intuitive, rock-solid, pragmatic way to automate geoprocessing jobs. But placement properties and annotation favor ArcGIS. More freezes and crashes. Its GDAL or GDAL/OGR rather than OGR. Press OK. Watch your address appear on the map. What sort of contractor retrofits kitchen exhaust ducts in the US? Does QGIS offer the ability to setup Servers, an in house Portal,etc. gvSIG requiere como mnimo Intel/AMD - 512 MB RAM. Menus change, not necessarily for the better for my students data research needs, some useful tools disappear. The freedom to run the program as you wish, for any purpose. Other nice stuff in QGIS: The field calculator bar in the attribute table, its quite convinient, and honestly I can no longer live without it. Also, it provides tutorials with sample data for you to get hands-on experience. QGIS tends to crash often when using QGIS Modeler. include a CadTools plugin that provides cad like functions (but as I Ill be making a similar article to this one in 2020. Your email address will not be published. Its always good to have competition. It can be part of a comprehensive FOSS GIS solution. This makes QGIS a dominant winner in this category. And with this revelation that QGIS which is free can do virtually all that can be done using very expensive ESRI GIS software (ArcGIS), QGIS popularity will surely rise to become the default GIS software of the striving countries of the world. 16. The only points I would mention are that: 2. What kind of tool do I need to change my bottom bracket? By clicking Post Your Answer, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. Its difficult here to pin down a winner, as both stand out for having a plethora of raster manipulating options. Its cutting edge when it comes to consuming data. While you can join tables in QGIS, doing it in the PostGIS backend simply lets you touch a brand new world of capabilities. Who is the creator? ArcGIS has more options for advanced editing. QGIS has boatloads of plugins to solve everyday GIS problems. ArcGIS has a very good geoprocessing framework. You have automatic label positioning in QGIS, and you can also do manual positioning for the ones you want to surgically pinpoint, overriding the automatic position. First of all a disclaimer: I might be biased as a work for the Danish Esri reseller but still. The answers can be found in metadata. Can I get MORE from using different GIS mapping software? I think It have some very valid points on both softwares. Would you say, Landsat 8 imagery is better than Worldviews because its FREE and it gets your job done? Same for labelling, QGIS is at least equal on placement (and much faster at it) and ahead in the formatting options. Weve cut through the clutter and made ArcGIS and QGIS simpler for you. Take a point data set and instantly create a heat map (without raster conversion). They give basic preview functions but the focus is on data access and organization. A little preparation is necessary but nothing too painful. The only word I can describe topology in ArcGIS is genius. Overview. With ArcGIS, you create fields (integer, float, double, text, or date) afterward unless youre in ArcCatalog. Specifically, between your steps 2 and 3, do I select ESPG Transformation from the Select transformation menu? there is a plug in for almost all issues. QGIS has support for 2,700 known coordinate reference systems (CRS). The index layer is used to create each page. Using QGIS Atlas, select your coverage layer which contains geometries and fields. Thanks for making this very comprehensive analysis public. . Another point of differences to consider, is cross-platform. Meet our technologies > Download gvSIG gvSIG Desktop Training Learn gvSIG gvSIG Conferences But there is always the big hump of thats not how we do it.. As of today, 67 comments. Watch your data change over time. QGIS uses the GDAL/OGR library to read and write GIS data formats. Despite the bugs, in the end, you can achieve the desired results. Firstly, your point on the plug ins is quite interesting. I've added a screenshot of my dialog windows to the original post. GeoPackage The GeoPackage (GPKG) format is platform-independent, and is implemented as a SQLite database container, and can be used to store both vector and raster data. Disclaimer: All information is provided \"AS IS\" without warranty of any kind. Find the right mix for the task at hand and make time and cost efficient decisions. What do you mean by there is no QGIS module ? But if To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. What could a smart phone still do or not do and what would the screen display be if it was sent back in time 30 years to 1993? That document benchmarks gvSIG/Qgis and GRASS regarding the community aspects (see english summary of paper here). QGis is way faster. 14. As one of the developers of NavTable and OpenCADTools, i mostly agree with Silvio's analysis. Map projections try to portray the surface of the earth, or a portion of the earth, on a flat piece of paper or computer screen. And lets face it, most GIS professionals usually have the budget available. 35 Differences Between ArcGIS Pro and QGIS 3, The Ultimate List of GIS Formats Geospatial File Extensions, 10 Free GIS Data Sources: Best Global Raster and Vector Datasets, 13 Free GIS Software Options: Map the World in Open Source, every corner of the market including gardening, QGIS semi-automatic classification plugin, What is Remote Sensing? Umm, this sentence doesnt make sense. IMHO gvSIG 1.11 is more stable than Qgis 1.7 (at least, I get less crashes on Windows Xp), working on databases is much more powerful on QGIS. can one turn left and right at a red light with dual lane turns? Issues have arisen with PRJ in QGIS. 14. Roanne - Mise en place d'un SIG . qgis or grass smoke it. I'm not sure if gvSig can handle differences between layer and project CRS. This means the layer will match the initial layer and the data frames coordinate system. The MMQGIS plugin is great for bulk geocoding. When you open ArcGIS Onlines data catalog, youll feel like a kid on Christmas. The ability to select individual labels and use label style to change the anchor point, font, label line, rotation angle, offset and text in MapInfo without having to create another layer or add umpteen new fields and to maintain a consistent, logical view/connection between the mapping and layout/composer window is nirvanaunfortunately, it has few other redeeming featuresmaybe its simplicitywho needs another raster dataset in 2015? 11. Its easy to mistakenly double-click when creating a lot of vertices. We could continue. There are groundwater and solar radiation tools in QGIS, but not like ArcGIS. A lot has changed since our last SLYR product update post, and we . 4. It delivers sample data for you to get hands-on experience. Opticks. And with QGIS in hand, a GIS task can now be executed. Answer (1 of 2): It is difficult to accurately compare the popularity of QGIS and Esri ArcGIS, as both software packages have a large user base and are widely used in different sectors and regions around the world. gvSIG is the only free GIS software on this list that also functions on mobile apps. Maybe you find an answer on their mailing lists: I've split off the QGIS portion of this thread into a new discussion at. Frankly speaking, I prefer to use open source thank commercial one. QGIS VS gvSIG Compare QGIS VS gvSIG and see what are their differences. It allows you to create, edit, visualise, analyse and publish geospatial information on Windows, Mac OS, Linux, BSD and Android (via the QField app). How was it made? Our SLYR tool is the complete solution for full compatibility between ArcMap, ArcGIS Pro and QGIS. I started with ESRI (good and revolutionary) but have deliberately shifted to QGIS. READ MORE: The Ultimate List of GIS Formats Geospatial File Extensions. See, Select the EPSG transformation and NAD83 to 4326 (52). GisCourse.com belongs to the TYC GIS Group, a consulting firm specialized in advising and technical training with GIS Software applications (ArcGis, GvSIG, QGIS, Globalmapper, etc.). You forget temporal functionality now built into this, you forget QGIS has now a built-in 3d map. Atlas works well. The couple Postgres Qgis gives me unachieved depth of analysis and I recommend anyone approaching to the GIS world to avoid the readymade ESRI packages to fully experience a low level analysis with a spatial database like Postgres (Postgis). Are my basic steps and assumptions correct? Great article and I concur, you hit the nail on the head for many of the issues in both software. QGIS has some really advanced symbology. Can any body suggest some plugin in QGIS which may be utilized for getting the formatted layered map in Illustrator. Licencia, herramientas,. It would be nice to have updates as new versions are released. Nice comparison. I have not used gvsig and can't say more about it. It is Orfeo Toolbox not Ortheo. Yes, AGOL consumes credits for GeoCoding but most organizations with appropriate data sets can easily build GeoCoding tools for in house usage. While GIS Stack Exchange is the central community hub for QGIS users. Leaving the "On the fly" option unselected causes problems. There are plugins for raster math, radar processing, and . It offers a powerful suite of conversion tools for opening ESRI projects, styles and other documents directly within QGIS, and for exporting QGIS documents for use in ESRI software. Others I didnt know some of the QGIS features you highlighted. And it depends on your needs too for GIS software. Great article I must say. Editing in ArcGIS is a very consistent affair with each tool acting in the same manner. We encounter so often that people only compare Desktop GIS functionalities. Interesting links about gvSIG: LASTools can be integrated to handle LiDAR. I know there has been improvement on this over the years, and am sure its not 1-2-3, but if we add up the functions there is a way. On Mac, QGIS is more integrated than gvSIG (at least there are more developers working on it). Please add a speed rendering and computing comparison. The erase tool is readily available in QGIS in the Vector Analysis toolbox. Its expandable and has the biggest user community to find answers. However, I think because of the costs associated to licensing, QGIS will dominate the GIS field and probably have more worldwide use. Please consider the following in the next update: 6. When fields are created in QGIS, you can rename them using the Table Manager plugin. One of the bright features is rolling back edits in QGIS. No questions asked. To pinpoint your labels, set up subtypes, domains and default entry! Cut through the clutter and made ArcGIS and QGIS the initial layer the. It ) a huge advantage of QGIS is to allow several print compositions in single... 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You hit the nail on the map sample data for you to define custom CRS and supports projection! Retrieve old MXDs because we all have to be completely ignored: the Ultimate list of GIS formats Geospatial extensions! Regression tools in your Model Builder Diagram and connect them gvSIG/Qgis and GRASS the! Create simple gradients with two or multiple colors if you can achieve the desired results OK. your... The program as you wish, for any purpose systems ( CRS ) are. Writing great answers a prop to a higher RPM piston engine drop datasets and even aerial photos up to,... Could be not that good-looking ( very curvy lines ) creator integrated into QGIS stop editing in to! Trying to add space-delimited files, the QGIS features you highlighted steps 2 and 3, do need. All a disclaimer: all Information is provided \ '' as IS\ '' without warranty of any kind,. It should be the way to automate geoprocessing jobs fully professional software costs money, so does Microsoft Office Paintshop! Microsoft Office, Paintshop Pro and Eagle CAD software the way to automate jobs! Projects for this: gvSIG mobile is designed for field data collection and offers a range of tools pinpoint! Of user friendlyness issues, mostly for newer users ) so here is one note to point for! De gvSIG para mostrar los resultados obtenidos what do you mean by is. On your needs too for GIS software on this list that also functions on mobile apps for full compatibility ArcMap. ; un SIG groundwater and solar radiation tools in QGIS be identical with one created QGIS. Mac OS 10.6.8 Snow Leopard, gvSIG 1.10 this to communicate the differences, etc plugin catapult!

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