japanese unit 731 experiments

And out of all the areas in which World War II was fought, none were active as long as what would come to be known as the Pacific Theater. Inside of it, a Chinese man was blindfolded, with his hands tied around a post behind him. So he and another unit member took the keys to the cells and opened one that housed a Chinese woman. [107] Sanders took this information to General Douglas MacArthur, who was the Supreme Commander of the Allied Powers and responsible for rebuilding Japan during the Allied occupations. In addition, poisoned food and candy were given to unsuspecting victims. The two Russians opened their handcuffs, took the keys, and opened some other cells while yelling. September 1937. The ministry alleged that no academic research supported the claim. One of the most common experiments at Unit 731 was the vivisection of diseased bodies. Vivisection, for example, is the practice of mutilating human bodies, without anesthesia, to study the operations of living systems. A former member of the Special Team (who insisted on anonymity) recalled in 1995 his first vivisection conducted at the Unit: He didn't struggle when they led him into the room and tied him down. The occupying US government undertook the cover-up of Japanese war crimes after the end of World War II, granting political immunity to military personnel who had engaged in human experimentation and other crimes against humanity, predominantly in mainland China. Prisoners were also repeatedly subjected to rape by guards. June 1942. [115] This was evidenced by the Soviet Union building a biological weapons facility in Sverdlovsk using documentation captured from Unit731 in Manchuria. None of the Japanese scientists in Unit 731 was ever punished. Unit 731 was a biological warfare research division of the Imperial Japanese Army, which was founded in 1936. Unit731 tested many different chemical agents on prisoners and had a building dedicated to gas experiments. That staff member decided to enter the cell. [16] It was divided at that time into the "Ishii Unit" and "Wakamatsu Unit", with a base in Hsinking. Williams, Peter, and Wallace, David (1989). The testimony of a unit member that served as a guard graphically demonstrated this reality: One of the former researchers I located told me that one day he had a human experiment scheduled, but there was still time to kill. To determine effectiveness, Unit 731 herded captives together on a firing range and blasted them from varying ranges by multiple Japanese weapons, such as the Nambu 8mm pistol, bolt-action rifles, machine guns, and grenades. "It was said that a small number of these poor men, women, and children who became marutas were also mummified alive in total dehydration experiments. According to one eyewitness account, the limbs made a sound like a plank of wood when struck with a cane. The gas was adamsite (sneezing gas), and as the gas filled the chamber the man went into violent coughing convulsions and began to suffer excruciating pain. With the coming of the Red Army in August1945, the unit had to abandon their work in haste. [85] The vehicle would pull up at the main gates and one of the drivers would go to the guardroom and report to the guard. [132], In October2003, a member of Japan's House of Representatives filed an inquiry. Hisato then tried different methods for rapid rewarming of the frozen appendage. Inmates of these facilities were infected with several of the most lethal pathogens known to science, such as Yersinia pestis, which causes bubonic and pneumonic plague, and typhus, which the Japanese hoped would spread from person to person after being deployed and depopulate disputed areas. A third group was clothed in summer military uniform, three with masks and two without masks, and were exposed to as much as 4,800rounds. And out of all the atrocities that Imperial Japan unleashed upon the Chinese people during this brutal occupation, probably none were as gratuitously hateful as the operations of Unit 731, the Japanese biological warfare unit that somehow plumbed new depths in what was already a genocidal war. "[68] The children of these women were tested in ways similar to their parents, with specific emphasis on determining how longer infection periods affected the effectiveness of treatments. Millions of inhumane experiments occurred in this research center. However, according to a junior uniformed civilian employee of the Imperial Japanese Army working in Unit731, the project was internally called "Holzklotz", German for log. Other sources suggest that it was the usual practice in the Unit for surgeons to stuff a rag (or medical gauze) into the mouth of prisoners before commencing vivisection in order to stifle any screaming. Located in the Pingfang district of what is now China, most of . Additionally, Unit 731 produced biological weapons that were used in areas of China not occupied by Japanese forces, which included Chinese cities and towns, water sources, and fields. For example, female captives of childbearing age were sometimes forcibly impregnated so that weapon and trauma experiments could be done on them. Abdominal pain. ", Prisoners were injected with diseases, disguised as vaccinations,[25] to study their effects. . The author reveals distressing evidence of Unit 731 experiments involving US prisoners and the use of British as control groups in Northern China, Hainau Island, New Guinea and in Japan. They sweated themselves to death under the heat of several hot dry fans. all the Japanese scientists immunity from war crimes prosecution in exchange for the germ warfare data gathered from experiments in Harbin. The Unit 731 complex. Unit731 staff included approximately 300 researchers, including doctors and bacteriologists. [38] Tularemia was also tested on Chinese civilians. Unit 731 was responsible for some of the most notorious war crimes committed by the Japanese armed forces. Prisoners were usually received into Unit731 at night in motor vehicles painted black with a ventilation hole but no windows. Japan Confronting Gruesome War Atrocity", "Japan guilty of germ warfare against thousands of Chinese", "CIA Special Collection ISHII, SHIRO_0005", "United States Responses to Japanese Wartime Inhuman Experimentation after World War II: National Security and Wartime Exigency", "Ruling recognizes Unit 731 used germ warfare in China", "Japan - Insects, Disease, and History | Montana State University", "Unit 731 and the Japanese Imperial Army's Biological Warfare Program The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus", "Pure Evil: Wartime Japanese Doctor Had No Regard for Human Suffering", "Unmasking Horror: A special report. He performed his experiments while he was working for Japan's National Institute of Health Sciences. [63] Although this article drew criticism, Yoshimura denied any guilt when contacted by a reporter from the Mainichi Shimbun. Unit 731 started out as a research unit, investigating the effects of disease and injury on the fighting ability of an armed force. [36] This research led to the development of the defoliation bacilli bomb and the flea bomb used to spread bubonic plague. He infected prisoners with rickettsia and infected mentally-ill patients with typhus. This team wore white overall suits, army hats, rubber boots, and pistols strapped to their sides.[86]. In unit 731, human targets were used to test grenades positioned at various distances and in various positions. In fact, Japan arguably started the war by attacking Manchuria in 1931, and it inarguably waged war with China by invading in 1937. A Japanese soldier uses a Chinese mans body for bayonet practice near Tianjin, China. Unit 731 personnel conduct a bacteriological trial upon a test subject in Nongan County of northeast Chinas Jilin Province. It is known that victims were also starved before these tests began. [117] As the chief of the unit, Shiro Ishii was granted immunity from prosecution for war crimes by the American occupation authorities, because he had provided human experimentation research materials to them. [18] Medical doctors and professors from Japan were attracted to join Unit731 both by the rare opportunity to conduct human experimentation and the Army's strong financial backing. Weapon Test in Unit 731 Experiments It is common to test weapons before going to the war, but it is uncommon to test weapons on living humans. While male prisoners were often used in single studies, so that the results of the experimentation on them would not be clouded by other variables, women were sometimes used in bacteriological or physiological experiments, sex experiments, and as the victims of sex crimes. Throughout its history, Unit 731 produced research for biological weaponry. The Japanese doctors and army commanders who had perpetrated the Unit731 experiments received sentences from the Khabarovsk court ranging from 2 to 25years in a Siberian labor camp. Date unspecified. They spanned all the way to Singapore, as well, with Unit 9420.Unit 731 was just one out of several, but it became infamous once the extent and variety of its atrocities became known to the public. During biological bomb experiments, researchers dressed in protective suits would examine the dying victims. Then, the lesson over, the surgeon pulled out a gun and shot and killed the patient.[78][79][80] A member of the Yokusan Sonendan paramilitary political youth branch, who worked for Unit731, stated that not only were Chinese, Russians, and Koreans present, but also Americans, British, and French people. Other attacks, using anthrax, killed approximately 6,000 more people in the area. From 1948 to 1958, less than five percent of the documents were transferred onto microfilm and stored in the US National Archives before they were shipped back to Japan.[118]. The Special Team was then ordered to vivisect Sud. On October 4, 1940, Japanese bombers deployed these casings, each loaded with 30,000 fleas that had each sucked blood from a dying prisoner, over the Chinese village of Quzhou. [82] Author Seiichi Morimura estimates that almost 70 percent of the victims who died in the Pingfang camp were Chinese (both military and civilian),[83] while close to 30 percent of the victims were Russian. [74] Although 3,000 internal victims is the widely accepted figure in the literature, former Unit member Okawa Fukumatsu refuted it in a video interview. Corporal Kikuchi Norimitsu testified that he was told by another unit member that a prisoner "had shown violence and had struck the experimenter with a door handle" and then "jumped out of the cell and ran down the corridor, seized the keys and opened the iron doors and some of the cells. Prisoners were generally well fed on a diet of rice or wheat, meat, fish, and occasionally even alcohol in order to be in normal health at the beginning of experiments. In 1932, Surgeon General Shir Ishii (, Ishii Shir), chief medical officer of the Imperial Japanese Army and protg of Army Minister Sadao Araki, was placed in command of the Army Epidemic Prevention Research Laboratory (AEPRL). [123] Even if they had managed to escape the quadrangle (itself a heavily fortified building full of staff), they would have had to get over a three-meter-high (9.8ft) brick wall surrounding the complex, and then across a dry moat filled with electrified wire running around the perimeter of the complex (which can be seen in aerial pictures of the Unit).[97]. Unit731 also tested chemical weapons on prisoners in field conditions. Body temperature 37 degrees Celsius. Sometimes he did this by dousing the limb with hot water, sometimes by holding it close to an open fire, and other times by leaving the subject untreated overnight to see how long it took for the persons own blood to thaw it out. Heavy objects were dropped onto bound victims to study crush injuries, subjects were locked up and deprived of food and water to learn how long humans could survive without them, and victims were allowed to drink only sea water, or were given injections of mismatched human or animal blood to study transfusions and the clotting process. "[33], Unit731 and its affiliated units (Unit 1644 and Unit 100, among others) were involved in research, development and experimental deployment of epidemic-creating biowarfare weapons in assaults against the Chinese populace (both military and civilian) throughout World WarII. But then finally he stopped. It was surgery for most, autopsies for the rest. [91] Prisoners were repeatedly reused for experiments as long as they were healthy enough. ; Japan Confronting Gruesome War Atrocity", "Where To Find The World's Most 'Wicked Bugs': Fleas", "Electrocuted, gassed, frozen, boiled alive", "Inside Japan's wartime factory of death", "Self Determination by Imperial Japanese Doctors", "(RARE) Yoshimura Hisato (excerpt of a telephone interview conducted by Mainichi Shimbun)", "[IAB8] Imperial Japanese Medical Atrocities", https://www.laguardia.edu/maus/files/ethics-ch-16.pdf, https://www.esquiremag.ph/long-reads/features/vivisection-japan-philippines-a00304-20200723-lfrm, "Japanese Medical Atrocities in World War II", " 36 150 . Body temperature 37 degrees Celsius. The trial of the Japanese perpetrators was held in Khabarovsk in December1949; a lengthy partial transcript of trial proceedings was published in different languages the following year by the Moscow foreign languages press, including an English-language edition. Its head was Lieutenant Shiro Ishii. [67], After victims were infected, they were vivisected at different stages of infection, so that internal and external organs could be observed as the disease progressed. ", "Japan publishes list of members of Unit 731 imperial army branch", "Unit 731: One of the Most Terrifying Secrets of the 20th Century", Occupation censored Unit 731 ex-members' mail: secret paper, "The United States and the Japanese Mengele: Payoffs and Amnesty for Unit 731", Biohazard: The Chilling True Story of the Largest Covert Biological Weapons Program in the World Told from Inside by the Man Who Ran it, "Unit 731: Japan discloses details of notorious chemical warfare division", "Japanese Textbook Controversies, Nationalism, and Historical Memory: Intra- and Inter-national Conflicts", "Examining the Japanese History Textbook Controversies", , "Names of 3,607 members of Imperial Japanese Army's notorious Unit 731 released by national archives", "Hit manga My Hero Academia removed in China over war crimes reference", "My Hero Academia Manga Updated With Villain's New Name", "The English Fhrer by Rory Clements Historia Magazine", Orrori e misteri dell'Unit 731: la 'fabbrica' dei batteri killer, "Unit 731 and the Japanese Imperial Army's Biological Warfare Program", The Nazi War Crimes and Japanese Imperial Government Records Interagency Working Group (IWG), History of Japan's biological weapons program, History of United States' biological weapons program, "US paid for Japanese human germ warfare data", The Unknown Victims of Japanese Unit 731 in WWII (19321945) and Known Experiments, Select Documents on Japanese WarCrimes and Japanese Biological Warfare, 19342006, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Unit_731&oldid=1149602900, Chief of General Division, 19391941, Head of Production Division, 19411945, Lieutenant general of the Medical Service, Lieutenant general of the Veterinary Service, Lieutenant colonel of the Medical Service, 400,000 or higher from biological warfare, Over 3,000 from inside experiments from each unit (not including branches, 19401945 only), Kazuhisa Kanazawa, chief of the 1stDivision of Branch673 of Unit731, Ryoichiro Hotta, member of the Hailar Branch of Unit731, Major General Hitoshi Kikuchi, head of Research Division, 19421945, Lieutenant General [unknown first name] Yasazaka, doctor, Yoshio Furuichi, student at Sunyu Branch of Unit731, Division2: research for biological weapons used in the field, in particular the production of devices to spread germs and parasites, Division3: production of shells containing biological agents; stationed in Harbin, Division4: bacteria mass-production and storage, Divisions68: equipment, medical, and administrative units. The first focused on experimenting with bacteriological diseases, including the bubonic plague, cholera, anthrax, typhoid, and tuberculosis. [6], One graduate of Unit 1644, Masami Kitaoka, continued to perform experiments on unwilling Japanese subjects from 1947 to 1956. [26], Thousands of men, women, children, and infants interned at prisoner of war camps were subjected to vivisection, often performed without anesthesia and usually lethal. The United States refused to acknowledge the trials, branding them communist propaganda. [84], No one who entered Unit731 came out alive. Covered with millet-seed-size to bean-size blisters. There is at least one recorded instance of "friendly" social interaction between prisoners and Unit731 staff. Some were also vivisected. Additionally, Unit731 Youth Corps member Yoshio Shinozuka testified that his friend junior assistant Mitsuo Hirakawa was vivisected as a result of being accidentally infected with plague.[59]. World War II devastated the lives of more than 100 million people around the world. Presiding judge Koji Iwata ruled that Unit731, on the orders of the Imperial Japanese Army headquarters, used bacteriological weapons on Chinese civilians between 1940 and 1942, spreading diseases, including plague and typhoid, in the cities of Quzhou, Ningbo, and Changde. NHK Documentary. 1936-1945: Unit 731 the Asian Auschwitz was a massive biological warfare research program of the Japanese Imperial Army under the command of Lt. General Dr. Ishii Shiro in Pin Fang, Manchuria outside the city of Harbin. According to American historian Sheldon H. Harris: The Togo Unit employed gruesome tactics to secure specimens of select body organs. Date unspecified. As part of Marutas study in limb injuries, Hisato routinely submerged captives limbs in a tub of water filled with ice and had them held until the arm or leg had frozen solid and a coat of ice had formed over the skin. Venereal disease has been the bane of organized militaries since ancient Egypt, and so it stands to reason that the Japanese military would take an interest in the symptoms and treatment of syphilis. Two hours later the temperature was 37.7 degrees, and three hours later the subject recovered. When AB type blood 120 cc was transfused to an O type subject, an hour later the subject described malaise and psychroesthesia in both legs. It routinely conducted tests on people who were dehumanized and internally referred to as "logs". There are unit members who were known to be interned at the Fushun War Criminals Management Centre and Taiyuan War Criminals Management Centre after the war, who then went on to be repatriated to Japan and founded the Association of Returnees from China and testified about Unit 731 and the crimes perpetrated there. Administration" of the Imperial Japanese Army, Unit 731 and Unit 100, as well as their subsidiary branches, performed human experimentation on the innocents under the leadership of Dr. Ishii Shiro. In response, in February2011 the Ministry of Health began to excavate the site. Some children grew up inside the walls of Unit731, infected with syphilis. At the time of his arrival in Japan, he had no knowledge of what Unit731 was. The design of the facilities made them hard to destroy by bombing. Most or all Units had branch offices, which were also often referred to as "Units". If the first exposure failed to establish infection, more rapes would be arranged until it did. The program received generous support from the Japanese government until the end of the war in 1945. Official silence during the American occupation of Japan, Post-occupation Japanese media coverage and debate, Significance in postwar research on bio-warfare and medicine, Second Sino-Japanese War and World War II (Pacific Theater). Some prisoners, including Russian and Chinese, were frantically roaming the corridors and kept yelling and shouting. Later in 1981, one of the last surviving members of the Tokyo Tribunal, Judge Rling, had expressed bitterness in not being made aware of the suppression of evidence of Unit 731 and wrote, "It is a bitter experience for me to be informed now that centrally ordered Japanese war criminality of the most disgusting kind was kept secret from the court by the U.S. Unit 731 was set up in 1938 in Japanese-occupied China with the aim of developing biological weapons. This was all in a day's work for the surgeons, but it really left an impression on me because it was my first time. One prisoner was a 21-year-old Chinese woman, the other a Soviet girl who was 19years of age. Researchers performed invasive surgery on prisoners, removing organs to study the effects of disease on the human body. [39], Due to pressure from numerous accounts of the biowarfare attacks, Chiang Kai-shek sent a delegation of army and foreign medical personnel in November1941 to document evidence and treat the afflicted. 431968pp. To breed the most lethal strains possible, doctors monitored patients for rapid onset of symptoms and quick progression. Human targets were used to test grenades positioned at various distances and in various positions. The truth is that Japan's Unit 731 committed some of the most heinous war crimes ever. Unit 731 (731), based in the Pingfang district of Harbin and led by the infamous Japanese microbiologist Shiro Ishii, was a covert biological warfare research and development unit of the Imperial Japanese Army that undertook human experimentation during the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937-1945) and World War II. Its records were mostly burned, destroying any useful information the team had managed to generate in 13 years of research. Sixty minutes later the pulse was 106 per minute and the temperature was 39.4 degrees. 431968pp. [17], His younger brother, Prince Mikasa, toured the Unit 731 headquarters in China, and wrote in his memoir that he watched films showing how Chinese prisoners were "made to march on the plains of Manchuria for poison gas experiments on humans. Unit 731 - Japans Secret Human Experiments Disturban History 236K subscribers Subscribe 22K 702K views 1 year ago Formed in response to western powers developing their own chemical and. [64][user-generated source? He made this unimaginable sound, he was screaming so horribly. Others were deliberately infected with plague bacteria and other microbes. [86] No one could enter without special permits and an ID pass with a photograph, and the entry/exit times were recorded. As the last witnesses to this history grow old and die, its possible that the matter will never be addressed again. [71] Harris also said plague-infected animals were released near the end of the war, and caused plague outbreaks that killed at least 30,000 people in the Harbin area from 1946 to 1948. [68] Until Sanders finally threatened the Japanese with bringing the Soviets into the picture, little information about biological warfare was being shared with the Americans. "Medicine itself must become a weapon," said Nakagawa Yonezo, Professor Emeritus at Osaka University. Study methods in these experiments were barbaric. Army Engineer Hisato Yoshimura conducted experiments by taking captives outside, dipping various appendages into water of varying temperatures, and allowing the limb to freeze. Unit 731 is a biological warfare organ of the Imperial Japanese Army, which conducted horrific human experiments on prisoners of war and civilians in northeast China during WWII. [23], Nakagawa Yonezo[ja], professor emeritus at Osaka University, studied at Kyoto University during the war. Mucous and bloody diarrhea. [56] Ice was then chipped away, with the affected area being subjected to various treatments, such as being doused in water, exposed to the heat of fire, etc. Scientists in Unit 731 also experimented on their test subjects through pregnancy and rape. [34][35]:xii,173. The effectiveness of various weapons was of obvious interest to the Japanese Army. Infected food supplies and clothing were dropped by airplane into areas of China not occupied by Japanese forces. [68], In 2002, Changde, China, site of the plague flea bombing, held an "International Symposium on the Crimes of Bacteriological Warfare", which estimated that the number of people slaughtered by the Imperial Japanese Army germ warfare and other human experiments was around 580,000. Weakness of all four extremeties. [104], At Tokyo's Kyushu Imperial University in 1945, US POWs from a shot down B-29 were subjected to fatal medical experimentation.[105]. [128], Japanese history textbooks usually contain references to Unit731, but do not go into detail about allegations, in accordance with this principle. Ministries in Tokyo ordered the destruction of all incriminating materials, including those in Pingfang. Established by Emperor Hirohito in 1936, Unit 731's exact mission varied over the course of its operations, but two main focuses remained constant. Skin of the face still weeping. [46] Victims were also tied to stakes and used as targets to test pathogen-releasing bombs, chemical weapons, shrapnel bombs with varying amounts of fragments, and explosive bombs as well as bayonets and knives. The unit was supported by Japanese universities and medical schools which supplied doctors and research staff. Feels sick. These bombs enabled Japanese soldiers to launch biological attacks, infecting agriculture, reservoirs, wells, as well as other areas, with anthrax- and plague-carrier fleas, typhoid, cholera, or other deadly pathogens. Wound patterns and penetration depths were then compared on the bodies of the dead and dying inmates. An attack on Changde in 1941 reportedly led to approximately 10,000 biological casualties and 1,700 deaths among ill-prepared Japanese troops, in most cases due to cholera. The totality of Unit 731s research was in support of their larger mission, which by 1939 was to develop horrific weapons of mass destruction for use against the Chinese population, and presumably American and Soviet forces, if the time ever came. Unit 731: The horrors of biological warfare experiments that the world forgot. RT @EzbyThor: Japan's notorious Unit 731 personnel not only avoided punishment, they were even encouraged to continue their abominable experiments on mentally ill patients in Japan. After World WarII, the Office of Special Investigations created a watchlist of suspected Axis collaborators and persecutors who are banned from entering the United States. The idea of Unit 731 first circulated around by a memo written in April 23, 1936, that speaks about the establishment of reinforcement military forces in Manchuria. Witnesses to the raid recall a fine reddish dust settling on surfaces all over town, followed by a rash of painful flea bites that afflicted nearly everyone. Among the individuals in Japan after its 1945 surrender was Lieutenant Colonel Murray Sanders, who arrived in Yokohama via the American ship Sturgess in September1945. There was a Chinese woman in there who had been used in a frostbite experiment. After I had watched for about ten minutes, I could not stand it any more, and left the area. [112] Critics argue that racism led to the double standard in the American postwar responses to the experiments conducted on different nationalities. I cut him open from the chest to the stomach, and he screamed terribly, and his face was all twisted in agony. Technician Naokata Ishibashi interacted with two female prisoners. It had around 4,500containers to be used to raise fleas, six cauldrons to produce various chemicals, and around 1,800containers to produce biological agents. In World War II, Japan created a top-secret project named Unit 731.Officially called the Epidemic Prevention and Water Purification Department of the Kwantung Army, Unit 731 carried out human experiments on unwilling subjects. In April2018, the National Archives of Japan disclosed a nearly complete list of 3,607members of Unit731 to Katsuo Nishiyama, a professor at Shiga University of Medical Science. His reference to it at the trial is believed to have been accidental. I sanitised his whole body with disinfectant. Ishii ordered every member of the group to disappear and "take the secret to the grave". Professional people, too, like to play. Weeping redness of the skin of the upper part of the body. Wound patterns and penetration depths were then compared on the fighting ability of an armed.... Plague bacteria and other microbes positioned at various distances and in various positions without Special and! Permits and an ID pass with a cane his experiments while he was screaming so.... 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