pdq deploy windows updates

Enabling or disabling multiple steps in a package now works as expected. 'Approval Countdown' column added to the Auto Download Approvals section of the Package Library. Occasionally, the console would freeze when unused for a long period of time. Upgraded Auto Deployments now use the correct icon. I created a PDQ Deploy job that sets Windows update to get all update. Keeping Windows Cumulative Updates Up-To-Date PDQ 13.1K subscribers Subscribe 3.9K views 3 years ago Lex helps you keep all those cumulative updates patched and current using PDQ Deploy. Schedules no longer deploy to computers where the same package is still being deployed. Ability to view Concurrent Session details in the Console Users window. I know there's the /noreboot switch available in the parameters, but I've never managed to get it working properly with that being absent, hence separating out the steps. Renamed Preferences > Startup to Preferences > Interface. In the Select AD Target window, the main domain is now that of the console user and not the background service user. Likelihood to Recommend. Fixed an issue with using a local account for the background service. Changed deployment time out to only apply to each step's run time to prevent large copies from hitting time out. Various other bugs, including locking issues in regard to Central Server. New Reports were not populating in the Reports menu without a manual refresh or restart of the console. Once you've selected the setup.exe file, you'll need to add "/auto upgrade /quiet" as additional parameters. The filter on the Select Target List window is now working as expected. To do this, simple type Windows 10 ISO (or Windows 11 ISO if you're using Windows 11) into Google, and it'll come back with a link that says Download Windows 10 (or 11) Disc Image (ISO File) - Microsoft. Upgraded DevExpress controls to fix certain Console problems on Windows 8.x touch screens. Scan, collect, and organize your machines so deployments go exactly where you need them. For target folder, I do C:\Tech\2004. PDQ Inventory allows finding all machines that need the updates, and then you use PDQ Deploy to deploy the updates that are needed. Fixed computer target importing to not not allow computer names with invalid characters. I've also added a reboot as a second step, or else it'll appear to hang. The Package Library now includes a column for the download size. You can monitor the status of your deployment in the deployment status window. Fixed problem showing error after redownloading auto deploy package. These builds receive limited testing and can potentially contain bugs. Fixed a bug preventing filters from finding certain nested objects. Warning added if you attempt to delete the Console User you are currently using. Adding Pre and Post Steps to an Auto Download package now retains the edit icon after a restart. Check overwrite existing files, Include Subfolders and Copy All Files. File conditions and Registry conditions added to all step properties. Fixed a problem where the file copy speed wasn't displaying. In case you have not heard about or seen PDQ Inventory or PDQ Deploy in action, lets take a closer look at these two very effective and easy tools and see how to deploy Windows Updates with PDQ Deploy. Fixed an issue saving the Weeks in Month value for monthly schedules. Duplicating an item in the tree no longer places the duplicated item randomly in the tree. Variables are no longer duplicated upon upgrade. Local Administrator Password Solution (LAPS), Target History tab of the Schedule window, stop deploying to remaining queued computers. PDQ Deploy offers more than just ordinary Windows patch management and software deployment. While downloading from the Package Library, the Package folder is missing the waiting icon. Download trial Already using PDQ Deploy & Inventory? Improved performance of sorting large folders. a software deployment tool used to keep Windows PCs up-to-date without bothering end users. When doing a refresh of the console, packages now prompt for unsaved changes. (Note - When you download a package as an "Auto Download" package, it will be automatically updated as new versions of the package become available. Added GetPackageNames and GetSchedules to the CLI commands. Here's what the Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 update packages look like in PDQ Deploy. Navigate to the folder of the PowerShell Scanner you want, such as C:\PowerShell-Scanners\PowerShell Scanners\Mapped Drives. PDQ Deploy was not recognizing targets in PDQ Inventory that were resolved using NetBIOS instead of DNS. Step updates in the Target details window and the Detailed status window occasionally displayed out of sync. Auto Download Approvals work without having to refresh the console when the package is moved into a different folder. Selecting multiple deployments in the All Deployments page no longer freezes the console. Any ideas on why I'm not able to select any other option? Improved the Wake-on-LAN offline settings to more reliably determine when the target has come online. Fixed an issue where the deployment status would stay running after all computers had finished. Added a download in process icon to the Package folder in the tree. The problem with just making a basic PS Scanner is that it won't overwrite previous results if it doesn't return any data. Adding Pre and Post Steps to an Auto Download package now retains the edit icon after a restart. Computers will now use their short (NetBIOS) name when their long host name doesn't resolve. From the extracted Windows ISO, there's a setup.exe file that needs to used to carry out the update process, but that's not all. You need a Spiceworks account to {{action}}. Fixed issue with deploying packages with many files using pull copy mode. Fixed issue importing computers from PDQ Inventory All Computers collection. Multi-package schedules were deploying packages out of order. Remote Repair can be opened without having to select a target computer first. We now display number of Selected Computers in the Deploy Once window. Update notes have moved. It's like the circle of life, but with Windows updates! Versions over 18.1. You can opt-out in Preferences > Logging. 2nd: Now we need to make a powershell scanner for this. If you get a list of updates (or Return code: 0), then you're good as far as that install goes. Hopefully it helps someone 2 years down the line that is looking for the same thing. Pasting in Credentials no longer duplicates a previously entered domain. Then the next day, I tried installing the feature..all 20 machines also took different amount of time (downloading vs installing)I can understand if takes different time to download.but different amount of time to install (we did 20 stop watch to time when machine changed from downloading to installing). Using a variable in your Repository no longer causes issues with the Repository Cleanup. Fixed approval time conflicts with Auto Download packages and Auto Download preferences. I'm going from 20H2 to 21H1, both Enterprise, both 64-bit. Issue with Repository cleanup causing the console to freeze after excluding a folder. Fixed an issue where using Duplicate in the main window could cause an item to be duplicated twice. Fixed an issue with Remote Repair where scanning a local system would fail. Improved main window tree with multiple selection. Some can have as little as 4 updates whole others can have as many as 22 (not including the feature updates, installed software includes Chrome, MS Office 2016 & Acrobat reader only, no AV). In my environment, I have three workstations, all running different operating systems. Fixed sorting of schedules by the Schedule column. Fixed an issue which could cause the console to crash when a deployment is started. Fixed an issue with Post Schedule Notification's subject line using the wrong variables when 'Reset All' is selected. Fixed issue with deploying packages with many files using pull copy mode. Various other bug fixes and enhancements. So you'll never be able to see PCs that are fully patched. Fixed an issue with re-using credentials when deploying to failed targets. Hi Experts, Changed the deployment step output to be empty when the deployment succeeds. Allow selecting shared collections from PDQ Inventory 3.1 beta 2 and later. Fixed issue that resulted in the error, "Cannot find package definition for package link step". Deploy Once may not have recognized PDQ Inventory was installed for selecting targets. It's another thing entirely to keep track of them. Wake-on-LAN and Retry Queue capability added to Package Properties, Auto Deployment Properties, Deploy Once, and Schedules. Fixed an issue with Command Steps that are formatted with quotes. Fixed an issue where the return code wasn't being captured from a step executed as "Deployment User (Interactive)". Fixed issue importing command steps with success codes. Fixed a crash when Windows spell check components are corrupt. Alternatively, you can click Choose Targets and select your targets from a source like Active Directory or PDQ Inventory. The tab header in a schedule now shows an error icon when an error exists within that tab. When doing a refresh of the console, packages now prompt for unsaved changes. Update notes have moved. Variables for UNC paths are no longer being removed when replacing install files. a software deployment tool used to keep Windows PCs up-to-date without bothering end users. Some valid MSI options were not available with MSU files. Potential error message stating that Auto Deployment was missing installation files. Computers that are offline are now put into the. RIGHT?!?! Works perfect. Your daily dose of tech news, in brief. Increased ping timeout used by offline settings to 2 seconds. Fixed an issue where redeploying from deployment status window would not use changes in package. Because we're sysadmins, too. Fixed issue preventing deployment to computers with underscores or other special characters in their names. Added "-ExecutionPolicy Bypass" to default command line when running a Powershell script in an Install Step. Made change to allow importing from Spiceworks 7.4.00065 and later. The 'O/S Version' condition now allows you to unselect 'All Versions' without causing a freeze. We PowerShell. Open the Computer page in PDQ Inventory from the All Deployments page, Deployments tab of the Package page, Deployment Status window, and the Target History tab of the Schedule window. As such, we do not recommend installing in a production environment, unless by the direction of PDQ support staff. The 'O/S Version' condition now allows you to unselect 'All Versions' without causing a freeze. Fixed an issue with printing from the Schedule Target History tab. Improved organizing of items in the Main window, including placing items in any order. Added Auto Deployment feature. We keep them up-to-date so your job is even easier. The best part is that as the computers are updated, they will be rescanned and moved into the (Latest) containers. Step updates in the Target details window and the Detailed status window occasionally displayed out of sync. Fixed integration issue with Inventory 3.0 Beta and Wake-on-LAN. Creating a deploy package for Windows 10/11 in PDQ Deploy is very simple. When a new File or Registry condition fails, the output log includes comprehensive information. These updates include bug fixes, security patches, and system stability improvements. Fixed an issue connecting to certain AD domains. 'Server is not running' error occurring in connection to certain versions of .NET. Run As options now include a Use Package Settings option. Setting the 'Once' Schedule Trigger in the past now displays visual warnings in the schedule itself and on the All Schedules page. Fixed an issue deleting folders with nested items. 'Approval Countdown' column added to the Auto Download Approvals section of the Package Library. Improved wording on confirmation dialogs for clarity. When using schedules via the CLI, computer names are no longer case sensitive. Redeploy now uses the same credentials as the original deployment. License moved out of Preferences to the Help menu. Deploy package steps are now showing up in the correct order. Additionally, Windows 10 updates come in a few different varieties. Fixed an issue where the deployment status window wasn't updating. It will be automatically downloaded for you.). Don't try and sell me on WSUS, since I know my CITO will just shoot down the request. Fixed an issue with skipped deployment steps when you have 2-layer deep nested packages mixed with 1-layer deep ones. These builds are tested more rigorously than nightly builds, however, can still potentially contain bugs. Other minor registry condition bugs fixed. Fixed an issue with using a local account for the background service. Windows 10 Deploying Windows 10 Feature Update Using PDQ Deploy Posted by AshleyLewisMS on Jun 28th, 2021 at 6:07 AM Needs answer Windows 10 General Windows Imaging, Deployment, & Patching Hi All, I'm in the process of trying to deploy and update our Windows 10 clients from one version to the next. The Downloaded column in the Package Library now populates immediately following an auto download. Commence stalking in 3. In a schedule, targets in all lowercase letters were disregarding the option 'Stop deploying to targets once they succeed'. Added OS Condition for Windows 10 in PDQ Deploy package steps. Fixed an issue with downloading from the package library with certain proxy servers. Fixed potential issue with placeholders in the Post Schedule Notification not displaying the correct data once emailed. Using a variable in your Repository no longer causes issues with the Repository Cleanup. Allow Target Service share and directory to be configured. Improved performance of offline testing for the Deployment Offline Settings. Client mode no longer needs to re-enter the license information when upgrading or renewing the license. Fixed an additional issue when using Pull file copy and Command steps. Admin Arsenal is now officially, Ability to utilize one database with other consoles using the. Improved connection to Active Directory domains using domain controllers. Welcome to the Snap! Integration with the PDQ Inventory Agent. Open an Elevated Command Prompt and an Elevated PowerShell Prompt from the Help menu. Added ability to start a PDQ Inventory scan after deployment. I'm in the process of trying to deploy and update our Windows 10 clients from one version to the next. Deploy package steps are now showing up in the correct order. So automating your updates can help you recover a lot of your time. Add Package Library page to Preferences window. Add Package Library page to Preferences window. PDQ Inventory will automatically begin scanning computers as they are added to Inventory. Objective: We don't use a WSUS server. Improvements to database connections to prevent time outs. The Approval button in the toolbar would occasionally be greyed out. Added Message Step to Packages (Pro mode). See why our customers can't live without our products. Added Inventory Heartbeat Trigger which allows Deploy Schedules to be triggered when a target comes online. 2021 PDQ.com Corporation. 1st: We need to install the PSWindowsUpdate module, https://www.powershellgallery.com/packages/PSWindowsUpdate/ They contain all of the updates from the previous cumulative updates. Subscriptions for Pro Mode authenticate with license key and no longer need email address and password. Added link to edit nested package from within nesting package. Fixed issue where step run time was blank. Fixed an issue with the display of deployment step numbers when nested more than one deep. Windows Server 2019 has been added to the O/S Version Conditions. Fixed an issue in the console which could cause it to crash after starting a deployment from PDQ Inventory. Fixes to a couple of icons which weren't displaying correctly. Duplicating a folder was not always duplicating the first package in the folder. Long running deployments would sometimes result in an incomplete schedule notification. 5th: Make some PDQ Deploy dynamic collections. Ability to create test packages privately before publishing using the Private Packages folder with Central Server. Fixed a crash when redeploying to selected computers in the deployment status window. New product and company branding. Scrolling through multiple targets in deployments results now works as expected. Open up PDQ Deploy and select the Packag e Library. Added Spiceworks computer caching for performance. These updates include new features, security improvements, visual differences, and more. Added ability to remember the list of targets between deployments. Update third-party software, deploy custom scripts, and make impactful configuration changes in minutes. Select the Windows update packages that match the operating systems in your environment, then click Download Selected (As Auto Download). Make a 3 step PDQ Deploy job. Added keyboard shortcuts to Redeploy (Ctrl+R) and Redeploy to Failed (Ctrl+Shift+R). While in Client mode, sending a test email comes from the Server as intended. Lets look at how we would deploy Windows Updates with PDQ Deploy. We do, so we need to change a little bit of that script. How can you automate Windows patching without WSUS Server and do this effectively? Fixed a problem which sometimes required deployments to be aborted twice. Configuration summary added in Help > Current Configuration Summary. Pasting in Credentials no longer duplicates a previously entered domain. Once you've saved your Windows 10/11 update deployment package on PDQ Deploy, you can deploy the latest Windows update to any PCs or laptops that require it. In this case, I'll be extracting the files from the latest Windows 11 ISO. So that means that we'll have Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, and soon, Windows 11 all being supported simultaneously. New option in Install Step for Installation Requires Source. Improved updating the console with deployment status. I've set it up about every way I can think (as an install, run with switches via a batch, run with switches via PowerShell, etc.) You can easily test this by doing a run command from PDQ Deploy on a machine with the following multi-line command. FixedRetry Queuecountdown timer to display hours and minutes. Its not perfect if you are coming from WSUS, but WUfB is pretty easy to setup and basically set it and forget it. Fixed an issue copying and pasting Schedules. Made improvements to the Retry Queue to prevent the issue of creating too many deployments. Auto Deployment has been replaced with Auto Download. Fixed bug that could cause the database upgrade to fail if there was invalid data in the old database. Fixed issues with the Shared package icons and Shared folder icons displaying inconsistently. Conditions for Windows XP, Server 2003 R2, and Server 2003 were removed. Collect output and MSI log files for Command and Install Steps. Fixed an issue saving the Weeks in Month value for monthly schedules. Moving multiple items in the Main Console Tree was not retaining the order of items selected. We know the pains and struggles of managing Windows updates in an environment where you are grossly outnumbered by the computers you support. I was planning to setup LAG between the three switches using the SFP ports to b Spring is here, the blossom is out and the sun is (sort-of) You may have incorrectly assumed that Windows 7 was dead. Use scan user credentials for deployments when importing targets from PDQ Inventory. This allows you to really take charge of your environment and Windows servers/workstations to keep them updated and also push out emergency patches like the curveball patch seen recently. Configuration summary added in Help > Current Configuration Summary. Auto Update Alerts in Preferences is now called Alerts. Cumulative Updates / Quality Updates: These are the standard Windows updates that are released every month on Patch Tuesday. Here, we will choose the PDQ Inventory collection that we identified above using the (old) designation for Windows updates. You can now send a Post Schedule Notifications that includes details of each deployment within the schedule. I don't push out Nvidia (or AMD if you have AMD) drivers when people are logged in because it can make the user's screen flicker and make them call you with concerns. In Preferences >License, the Enterprise User label is now referred to as Enterprise Activation. Mind blown. Remember to extract the files to a convenient location. You'll get information back on the operating system, installed applications, hardware, users, services, and so much more. Removing packages from the Deploy Once window using the Select PDQ Deploy Packages window now works as expected. Preferences change log added in C:\ProgramData\Admin Arsenal\PDQ Deploy\Audit. New product and company branding. Added OS Condition for Windows 10 in PDQ Deploy package steps. Added Sharing page to Preferences window. Fixed issues pertaining to 'net.pipe' error messages and included more information about the error. Sorting issue when choosing target computers from Inventory now a thing of the past. https://www.pdq.com/blog/managing-feature-updates-with-pdq-deploy-and-pdq-inventory/, 4 Total Steps Fixed an issue with upgrading the wrong version of the remote repair tool. Sharing has been superseded by Central Server and has been disabled. Improve importing/pasting duplicate names by adding "- Copy (2)" as needed. I tried with 20 sets of exactly cloned Dell lappy of same model, 10 using LAN and 10 using wireless..all 10 took different lengths of time. Ability to select a package from within the, Ability to attach/detach package(s) from a new schedule. Once you've downloaded the media creation, you'll need to download the ISO image of you chosen Windows OS, and place it in a convenient location. You can opt-out in. You bring up a valid question which I can test today at work as I have a free version installed in a VM for testing. Redesigned theDeployment Status window. Deleting steps in a package occasionally resulted in the step numbers being displayed incorrectly. Finished? Step1: Powershell [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -MinimumVersion -Force Step2: Job that silently installs C++ 2015-2019 runtime Step3: Powershell Bundled old Basic subscription into Pro mode. I've come to realize that I have a serious love-hate relationship with Windows updates. Occasionally, editing the email notifications would cause the console to close. Fixed an issue with skipped deployment steps when you have 2-layer deep nested packages mixed with 1-layer deep ones. Integration issues between PDQ Deploy and PDQ Inventory when using Central Server. Cleaned up presentation of All Deployments window (thanks to selfman). When restoring a database using the command line, PDQ Deploy will prevent restoring a corrupted database. This might can be changed. Added Duplicate menu option to duplicate selected Package or Target List. Attempting to pick a directory in the File Copy step would occasionally trigger an error. Fixed an issue with heartbeat schedules using multiple PDQ Inventory Collections as targets that contained the same computers. Custom variables were occasionally being replaced with the value of the variable. Ridiculously simple Apple device management that compliments our Windows-based solutions. Fixed an issue browsing to files in the Repository when using a mapped drive. That way I can just see what's online that needs to be patched. All rights reserved. Variables for UNC paths are no longer being removed when replacing install files. Fixed an issue with Post Schedule Notification's subject line using the wrong variables when 'Reset All' is selected. The Cancel Download button on the Package Library works again. Enable Microsoft Updates (3.0.1050 or later) : Detects and allows you to enable Microsoft updates, which will update other Microsoft products besides the Windows OS, such as Office (see this Microsoft KB for details). Added "-ExecutionPolicy Bypass" to default command line when running a Powershell script in an Install Step. Exporting Preferences would not export changes to the default Auto Download settings. Wake-on-LAN and Retry Queue capability added to, Auto Update Alerts in Preferences is now called. Fixed an issue with changed printing margins. PDQ Deploy already knows how to handle the MSU files, so calling wusa.exe and adding the /quiet /norestart parameters automatically is part of the magic. Added incremental searching by typing within a grid. Variables used as the Install File path on an Install Step no longer throw an exception. Improved handling additional files in Command Step when Copy Mode is set to Pull. Cleaned up presentation of All Deployments window (thanks to selfman). Default to last deployment user when creating a new deployment. Support for Windows 7 officially ended on January 14, 2020. Added the ability to delete queued deployments instead of aborting and then deleting. Fixed an issue where nesting packages would incorrectly cause a circular reference error. Fixed an issue exporting some data to XLSX format. Added new Performance setting: \ Addresses in Name Resolution. Ability to view multiple selected deployments in the All Deployments page. Ability to expand/collapse all folders in the main window. I'm currently deploying the feature update again now, so will update this thread with how I get on! Occasionally the temp directory was not cleared until after a restart of the service. I have one computer in the Windows 10 2004 64-bit container, another in the Windows 10 20H2 32-bit container, and the last one is in the Windows 10 21H1 64-bit container. Fixed issue importing command steps with success codes. Made change to allow importing from Spiceworks 7.4.00065 and later. In a schedule, targets in all lowercase letters were disregarding the option 'Stop deploying to targets once they succeed'. A warning was added to the Updates tab if a download was attempted if the same package was also pending approval. Fixed issue when attaching to Spiceworks servers that are running 7.2.00508 or higher. Added a download in process icon to the Package folder in the tree. PowerShell steps can now run without issue when the PowerShell execution policy is set to AllSigned on a target. Use that script as the PS Scanner script. On the Install Step, the MSI Options text now displays the correct selected string. Fixed an issue with the display of deployment step numbers when nested more than one deep. Added notification of new packages in Package Library. Attempting to delete a schedule attached to Auto Deployments was not working as intended. Once you've imported your computers into PDQ Inventory, you can sit back and relax while PDQ Inventory takes care of everything else. Fixes issues with opening the console after an upgrade. Fixed issue where expanded folders were not maintained on refresh. Changed Message step to allow ANSI characters (thank you, Gnther). Added Run as Local System option to Packages. Fixed an issue where the deployment status would stay running after all computers had finished. 89 verified user reviews and ratings of features, pros, cons, pricing, support and more. I love that they patch vulnerabilities and fix bugs. Target computers are randomized in deployments. per year . Auto Sort works correctly when containing multiple folders. Files can be imported by dragging or copying from Windows Explorer to the application. Enable $(Repository) variable in Additional Files. Moved License control from File menu to Preferences window. Added PDQDeploy BackgroundService and PDQDeploy ConsoleUsers for use in the Command Prompt. PDQ keeps track of the when new updates are made available writes the scripts and all l you . Keep last used values for the "Stop deploying" settings for new Schedules. However, keeping track of computer information is what PDQ Inventory does best. Fixed an issue when re-downloading a package from the library with read-only files. Fixed an issue where the package definition couldn't be exported from the package page. Use the download links below to access the latest versions for each category. Success Code 2359302 added for use in the Install Step. The Download History tab no longer removes the link to packages that are converted to Standard packages and moved to the Auto Download Archive folder. Fixed an issue with sharing packages that use the Repository system variable. Packages not downloaded due to repository access now display the correct error message. 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