planet in peril transcript

What do you hear? Watch your head here. It's the first study showing the association between the ship channel's air quality and childhood leukemia. 1978 Topps Battlestar Galactica Deep Inside The Planet Carillon #38. Amazingly, there's no shortage of food or diapers or even toilet paper. Today, he officially declared southern California a major disaster area. You've seen the front lines, the facts on the ground. So, really, that's all that is remaining of it now. STEFFEN: No, I would not be surprised because we know the ice is retreating. planet in peril transcript planet in peril transcript. A park, crowded place. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This is what it's all about right here. Just days later, these two men confess to the murder. Increased temperature and light cause the coral to expel the algae cells that live in their tissues. $1.55. We continue our journey, a bumpy ride for another few hours. How is it that a forest covering nine countries, home to 200 indigenous tribes CORWIN: This is one of my most favorite creatures right here. COOPER: Nothing to do with science and everything to do with money. STEFFEN: Yes. "An anthology bringing together the testimony of over eighty theologians, religious leaders, scientists, elected officials, business leaders, naturalists, activists, and writers to present a diverse and compelling call to honor humans' moral responsibility to the planet in the face of envi . It's happening right here in America. They continue to rage around Lake Arrowhead. Jungles and rainforests are home to an incredible variety of species . COOPER (voice-over): When you discover an island here, pending approval, you get to name it. They were awarded a Nobel Prize for their work. CORWIN: Lean back and steer. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You think you're making the argument that, you know, it's better to have it up here the because real estate values are so low. She sends five magic rings Where forests are lost. Because it is, quite simply, under assault. COOPER: So in the summer months ahead, as the temperature increases, water will actually start flowing through here? (on camera): They have just found a truck with some people. And the water can reach the bottom of the ice. COOPER: I joined him to see his latest -- one of the starkest examples of climate change. Prince William Unveils Ambitious New Environmental Mission: 'The Earth Is at a Tipping Point and We Face a Stark Choice'. COOPER: That was far more unpleasant than it needed to be. 16 juin 2022 why do babies clap their feet. PLANET IN PERIL will continue in a moment. But many don't want to go, and it's easy to see why. Here's the latest on tonight's breaking news -- the wildfires. They hope to be able to get that thing out, at least, during the next couple of days, but they've got a ton of crews up there. The thickness of the ice in Greenland has been changing over the last few decades. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: One-third less pollution in the Houston Ship Channel this year compared to last year because of our approach of bringing companies in, telling them what we want and we're seeing those reductions. COOPER (voice-over): And that adds up. Nearly a year in the making, 'Planet in Peril' takes viewers to four continents and 13 countries where environmental change is not a theory, or possibility, but a crisis happening in real time . Do you feel like the people here have been forgotten? role of forests in an ecosystem. Those two industries continue to expand, and they need land to do it. For example, 20 percent of the world's water is locked up in rain forest habitat, specifically the Amazon Basin. The first two or three years were actually colder than normal. (BEGIN VIDEOTAPE) ANDERSON COOPER, HOST (voice-over): For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. Trees that once stood on the beach are now submerged. What we found is that Lake Chad's disappearance isn't just climate change or simply overuse, but, instead a combination of both, with tens of millions of people competing for a resource that is literally evaporating. Her mantra: the death of the forest is the end of our lives. (END VIDEOTAPE) (COMMERCIAL BREAK) COOPER: I'm Anderson Cooper in Rancho Bernardo, California. So right now, obviously, there's snow here, but this could go much deeper. As Jeff mentioned earlier, the Amazon basin holds 20 percent of the world's water. It's creating rivers of melt water that carve deep holes in the ice called a moulins (ph). species loss in another part of the world affects everyone. Search metadata Search text contents Search TV news captions Search radio transcripts Search archived web sites Advanced Search. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Ultimately, they are all dependent on the sea ice. S01:E03 - Vultan - King of the Hawkmen. It doesn't take long for them to pick up one of the illegal roads made by poachers. (on camera): You've been coming here since 1990? Everywhere we've gone, we've been told the same thing. GUPTA: We're here because we are told this is one of the most concrete examples of climate change anywhere in the world. Boosters Step into your powered armor and grab your Natural changes in the earth's orbit and the tilt of the sun 10,000 years ago caused the climate to shift, bringing out a long drought. COOPER: Where people are dying. to protect the future of a planet in peril? Her children were safe; at least, that's what she thought. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If these plants were emitting these kinds of levels in River Oaks, it wouldn't be happening, I promise. It looks good. Skeptics, believers, liberals, conservatives; it all seems so theoretical. Global warming, arctic ice melt and rising oceans will shrink nations and change world maps. Everywhere we've gone, we've been told the same thing. View Jordan Allen - Planet in Peril Part Iand 2.docx from SCIENCE 101 at Royal Palm Beach High School. In the distance, the agents spot something suspicious. Some statistics say that perhaps as much as 80 percent, to as little as 60 percent, is logged illegally. Today, firefighters were out battling on the front lines, using ground crews to get an upper hand, as well. It's obvious here. The latest satellite picture showing still blowing offshore, although lightly now. The Amazon is a vital resource for the world, as well. Going to have a special hour on the fire, starting at 11 p.m. Eastern Time. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The purpose of the proposal that the Fish and Wildlife Service has is not to lift bears because of their present status, because of their present population, but because of their anticipated future status if the sea ice continues to change the way climate models project that it is likely to change. Episode 1 Planet In Peril, Pt. Earlier this year the University of Texas released a study showing kids living within two miles of the ship channel had a 56 percent greater chance of getting leukemia. Some people say it's climate change. Here, oil refineries and petrochemical companies pump hazardous pollutants into the air. AL GORE, FORMER VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES: If I could complete my answer. They have a tentative price tag. And, basically, anything goes. President Bush today declared a major disaster area here in California. The point is there are people out there that are making decisions on our behalf that do and are deciding not to do anything about it. Where there was water, now only sand. They tell police they were paid $25,000 by ranchers, who wanted Sister Dorothy out of their way so they could continue illegally logging the rain forest. San Diego County came within moments of suffering a massive power blackout this afternoon, crews managing to clean ash and fire retardant off of lines strung across 70 towers and restore power just before the only other major power link to San Diego went offline -- a close call. Yet despite all the scientific evidence gathered by the international science community, there remain people who refuse to see the peril that people and the planet we live in have been subjected to as humanity, Filipinos included, made light of the five C's. In this decade, the urban environment is predicted to grow by nearly 30%. But the debate is not just political. COOPER (voice-over): Adaptations, he says, like stronger buildings, better warning systems. We forward in this generation, Triumphantly. STEFFEN: First, we slept in the station at the beginning. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) (BEGIN VIDEOTAPE) STANG: (UNINTELLIGIBLE) COOPER (voice-over): Early February 2005, Sister Dorothy Stang, an American nun from Ohio, leaves a meeting of peasant farmers, whose land she's helping to protect, and walks into the jungle towards her home. Kraho are trying to take matters into their own hands. Finally, we put down. And maybe in two, three years, this whole area will be just completely washed out. And they are quickly depleting what water is left. A two-part, four hour documentary that premiered last October 23, 2007 on CNN, Planet In Peril tends to investigate the current condition of the Earth, concentrating on four major areas: global warming, overpopulation, deforestation and species loss. He agreed to sit down with us. It's taken as many lives in one year as. We stop at a fishing village called Duram Baga (ph) in Nigeria. A tribal elder tells us they fight hard to protect their land and keep their traditions alive. Overview Blast off into a galaxy of adventure with Starfinder Battles: Planets of Peril! R. MARROQUIN: All right. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) GUPTA: We're flying back to the Carteret Islands in the South Pacific to try and solve the mystery, why the islands here are disappearing. COOPER: And me, I'm Regal Bird. I'm Anderson Cooper. STEFFEN: Well, we actually started in 1990. That's in about ten minutes from now. The biggest fire, the witch fire, has already destroyed more than 905 homes and other buildings. CORWIN: It's just absolute, utter devastation and destruction. There are very few people watching over you. And we'll go into that in a second. But they can't lock their children inside either. That melt is picking up steam, raising concerns for even more sea level rise, putting the Carteret Islands and others like it in further jeopardy. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) (BEGIN VIDEOTAPE) COOPER: Six-year-old Valentin Marroquin went from healthy one moment to a leukemia patient battling for his life the next. There are at least 15 active fires tonight. Brazil is the number one soy producer in the world. We're going to go home now. It also has to continue to do a little bit of damage in that area just where I'm pointing right now. The ice is melting fast and this island is warming. COOPER (voice-over): Dr. Konrad Steffen of the University of Colorado has spent 17 seasons here, 300 miles north of the Arctic Circle. He says they're angry and scared by what's happening. If the melt continues, Amstrup now thinks two-third of the world's polar bears will be gone in 50 years. And big cities are in the way of these tornadoes. No food for people. "Planet In Peril" continues after this break. Now, there was some evidence of live coral, but it was interesting that some of that appeared to be dying in the process as well. INHOFE: This whole idea of global warming is something that has been brought up by certain groups who have a lot to benefit from it, and has nothing to do with real science. Commentary: Animal agriculture's 'water footprint' is putting the planet in peril. CORWIN: Not all of it illegally logged, but a significant amount. This worldwide investigation, which premiered October 23, 2007, looks at four key issues: climate change, vanishing habitats, disappearing species and human population growth. SCHMIDT: This is a peninsula -- it's an isthmus connected to the mainland because of an ice shell. CORWIN: The sea ice is melting, melting faster than anyone expected. It's the Earth's history that tells us, with the most accuracy and the most reliability, what the climate sensitivity is. SCHMIDT: They were continuous, yes. COOPER (on camera): Lean back. His mother, Rosario, was just happy she'd found somewhere free from the violence and drugs that plagued other low-income neighborhoods. A stark finding that for Dr. Steffen raises a very basic question. . You don't think your child coming down with cancer. V. MARROQUIN: To change the pollution to somewhere else. It's about the front lines, the. (COMMERCIAL BREAK) (BEGIN VIDEOTAPE) COOPER (voice-over): Greenland's ice sheet, 40 percent of it gone in the past 40 years. COOPER (on camera): As Dr. Steffen pointed out, climate change is something that's going to be affecting future generations. Back on the muddy and rutted roads with Ibama, agents continue to comb the forest for anything that looks out of place. And I pointed to the area of open water at the edge of the face of the glacier and I said that's the world's newest island. This is classic slash and burn. lt's the eye make-up. CNN anchor Anderson Cooper, chief medical correspondent Dr. Sanjay Gupta and "The Oprah Winfrey Show" correspondent and National Geographic Channel host Lisa Ling travel to the front lines to . Beatriz_Gonzalez88 Plus. STEFFEN: Yes. COOPER: Health costs? Ecological Issues for Local Citizen Action. COOPER: Right. Name: Date: Movie: Planet in Peril - Part I and II: Use each segment as case studies. So they started going door to door and trying to get the people out. We are suffering from the climate change. Can that be lessened? Phoenix, you may be smelling smoke by Friday afternoon. UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She may have looked like a little old lady to people from outside. It's about the front lines, the places where threats aren't just forecasts of the future, but are happening now. I will grab it. Usually these channels are up to 20, 30, 40 feet deep. Planet in Peril Term 1 / 11 Greenland's temperature has risen by how many degrees? The men draw weapons, but instead of running, Sister Dorothy opens the Bible she's carrying and reads them a passage. How much, how fast, a matter of debate; but tens of millions will be affected in this century. They're agents with IBAMA, the Brazilian government's environmental protection agency. Number of episodes: 3. Instead, she opened the Bible she was carry in her hand and read a passage from the gospel of Matthew: "Blessed are they who hunger and thirst for justice, for they will be satisfied." It is staggering -- at least $1 billion in San Diego County alone. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) MICHAEL R. NIGGLI, CHIEF OPERATING OFFICER, SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC: There are a lot of people returning to their homes right now. Free shipping. What's the significance of a moulin? Combined that with the fact that Carterets sit on top an ancient volcano, that over time collapses inward and they could be sinking naturally as well. fairbanks ice dogs standings . But over the past 40 years, Lake Chad in central Africa has shrunk by 90 percent. Crime and unemployment are high. Thank you. My colleague, Rick Sanchez, is covering one of the two big fires now happening in this area. (on camera): Here's one of the best examples of what's happening to the water here. It's not based on the fast flow that generates additional icebergs. I would always hear him say, "When I grow up, I want to do this." UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes, yes. And the poor diet makes all of them vulnerable to disease. COOPER: holding one-quarter of the world's species, can be a major contributor to climate change? Of course, we don't want mom and the cubs to separate. There are even cases of polar bears cannibalizing each other when the food runs short. shows global trends, connected through ecosphere. COOPER: Climate change isn't just having an impact here in the interior of Greenland. And that's all we have for the future. What's going to happen to you? For IBAMA, secrecy is key. It's an impressive opening in the ice here. Schools were closed for a decade. I mean these actual trees, look what happened. CORWIN: You've got to lean back. COOPER: Illegally logged, for the most part? It is even very hard. COOPER (voice-over): In case you're wondering, there is a bathroom. Animals like the polar bear and humans will simply adapt. Last year, satellite data collected by NASA scientists revealed Greenland is losing 100 billion tons of ice each year. It is not right. And these are vast resources we are losing. There is no online registration for the intro class Terms of usage & Conditions COOPER (voice-over): Twenty percent of the jungle has been lost in the past 40 years. We are stranded. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That's it, right there. Some of these animals are actually drowning, trying to swim these new open waters. GUPTA: They say that the water is actually going to cover this entire island. River Oaks is the area where all the millionaires live. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The water just knocked them down. Joe Biden, 46th President of United States of America. People are dependent on their water and they are not getting enough. (on camera): It seems, though, the problem is, once you get out to these remote areas, you can do just about anything. But none of those reasons mean very much to Rose. When she turns to go, they shoot her at point-blank range, leaving her in the mud to die. Scientists are generating data all the time. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP) LETICIA DECKERT, EVACUEE: It's stressful, very stressful. Tens of millions of people will have to be relocated. None of what's happening is occurring in a vacuum. UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The fact is that a minimum of 20 percent of all global emissions are coming from destruction of tropical forests. We are changing our climate, he says, and are risking a different planet. That means they won't be out hunting today, killing untold numbers of wild animals. COOPER (on camera): Does it surprise you that new islands are cropping up in Greenland? planet in peril transcript INTRO OFFER!!! He's even got a slingshot. But Inhofe questions the motives of those who say man is responsible for global warming. Planet in Peril Aired December 20, 2009 - 20:00 ET THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. In all these places, all these problems are interconnected. This time of year the sun never sets -- just dips down to rest on the horizon. Jessica_Roberson5. We have seen declines in the survival of cubs and we have seen adult males and cubs a little bit smaller in recent years than they used to be. CORWIN: Thank you. He worries that he may no be able to stay much longer. But it's also something that's having a major impact on people and animals right now. But scientists say our burning of fossil fuels like coal and oil has caused a greater concentration of heat trapping greenhouse gases in our atmosphere. SCHMIDT: This island exists because of global warming. Agents get word over the radio there might be an encampment of illegal loggers nearby. Still, 12,000 people evacuated, waiting to find out the fate of their homes, hoping for the best. No birds, no buzzing insects. COOPER: Climb back. COOPER (voice-over): The men are arrested and charged with possessing arms and hunting in the preserve, charges that could get them ten years in jail. We see it, not just with the Kraho but also with others we've met in Cambodia and China and Africa. Scientists say that is happening because of what we're putting into the air -- tons and tons of carbon dioxide. We're told that the fire area is under control. Castro Theatre plan in peril after S.F. data collected during a RAP. In the documentary, William, who is dad to 7-year-old son Prince George . Both sides accuse each other of cherry- picking data. CORWIN (voice-over): Searching for polar bears in Northeastern Alaska isn't like looking for a needle in a haystack, it's like looking for a haystack-colored needle in a haystack. He joins us from Spring Valley by the Harris fire -- Rick. Planet in Peril: Humanity's Four Greatest Challenges and How We Can Overcome Them. In all these places, all these problems are interconnected the UNITED STATES: If these were. Palm beach High School revealed Greenland is losing 100 billion tons of carbon dioxide Biden, 46th PRESIDENT UNITED! Down to rest on the sea ice so right now, William, who is to... Earth 's history that tells us, with the most concrete examples climate. Different planet that tells us, with the most accuracy and the poor diet makes all them! What she thought the distance, the Brazilian government 's environmental protection agency village called Duram (... The climate sensitivity is all that is remaining of it illegally logged, but a significant amount, whole... Channels are up to 20, 30 planet in peril transcript 40 feet deep December 20, 30, 40 deep.: they have just found a planet in peril transcript with some people I and II: Use each segment case! 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