bigfoot 29g motorhome for sale

Bigfoot motorhomes are consistently regarded as the best made class c ever made. (,!1):void 0}),o.on("keydown"+i,function(e){37===e.keyCode?t.prev():39===e.keyCode&&})}),x("UpdateStatus"+i,function(e,n){n.text&&(n.text=Y(n.text,t.currItem.index,t.items.length))}),x(p+i,function(e,i,o,r){var a=t.items.length;o.counter=a>1?Y(n.tCounter,r.index,a):""}),x("BuildControls"+i,function(){if(t.items.length>1&&n.arrows&&!t.arrowLeft){var i=n.arrowMarkup,o=t.arrowLeft=e(i.replace(/%title%/gi,n.tPrev).replace(/%dir%/gi,"left")).addClass(y),a=t.arrowRight=e(i.replace(/%title%/gi,n.tNext).replace(/%dir%/gi,"right")).addClass(y),s=r? You may find you'll have a tough time using up all the space. Its a weighted price based on the amount of the ads per month. For nearly 20 years now, Stuart's Service of Elkhart IN has been installing and servicing Class C Motorhome HWH Hydraulic Leveling Systems.Consistent, high quality service has propelled Stuart's to the top - recognized by HWH as a five-star Master Service Center.. No leaks or signs of ever. This is the lightest model Bigfoot manufactured in 2000 2006 Bigfoot camper with slide out. !0===n.options.infinite?s=(o=n.currentSlide+(n.options.slidesToShow/2+1))+n.options.slidesToShow+2:(o=Math.max(0,n.currentSlide-(n.options.slidesToShow/2+1)),s=n.options.slidesToShow/2+1+2+n.currentSlide):(o=n.options.infinite?n.options.slidesToShow+n.currentSlide:n.currentSlide,s=Math.ceil(o+n.options.slidesToShow),!0===n.options.fade&&(o>0&&o--,s<=n.slideCount&&s++)),t=n.$slider.find(".slick-slide").slice(o,s),"anticipated"===n.options.lazyLoad)for(var r=o-1,l=s,d=n.$slider.find(".slick-slide"),a=0;a=n.slideCount-n.options.slidesToShow?e(n.$slider.find(".slick-cloned").slice(0,n.options.slidesToShow)):0===n.currentSlide&&e(n.$slider.find(".slick-cloned").slice(-1*n.options.slidesToShow))},e.prototype.loadSlider=function(){var i=this;i.setPosition(),i.$slideTrack.css({opacity:1}),i.$slider.removeClass("slick-loading"),i.initUI(),"progressive"===i.options.lazyLoad&&i.progressiveLazyLoad()},{this.changeSlide({data:{message:"next"}})},e.prototype.orientationChange=function(){this.checkResponsive(),this.setPosition()},e.prototype.pause=e.prototype.slickPause=function(){this.autoPlayClear(),this.paused=!0},{var i=this;i.autoPlay(),i.options.autoplay=!0,i.paused=!1,i.focussed=!1,i.interrupted=!1},e.prototype.postSlide=function(e){var t=this;!t.unslicked&&(t.$slider.trigger("afterChange",[t,e]),t.animating=!1,t.slideCount>t.options.slidesToShow&&t.setPosition(),t.swipeLeft=null,t.options.autoplay&&t.autoPlay(),!0===t.options.accessibility&&(t.initADA(),t.options.focusOnChange))&&i(t.$slides.get(t.currentSlide)).attr("tabindex",0).focus()},e.prototype.prev=e.prototype.slickPrev=function(){this.changeSlide({data:{message:"previous"}})},e.prototype.preventDefault=function(i){i.preventDefault()},e.prototype.progressiveLazyLoad=function(e){e=e||1;var t,o,s,n,r,l=this,d=i("img[data-lazy]",l.$slider);d.length? 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This class c is currently for sale in bend or Has anyone else done this? Tires (32" BFG Commercial TA's) have 5K miles, new rooftop AC and thermostat used 5 hours, and all appliances are in 100% working condition. Has anyone else done this? !function(t,e){"object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module?module.exports=e():"function"==typeof define&&define.amd?define(e):t.StickySidebar=e()}(this,function(){"use strict";"undefined"!=typeof window?window:"undefined"!=typeof global?global:"undefined"!=typeof self&&self;function t(t){return t&&t.__esModule&&,"default")?t.default:t}function e(t,e){return t(e={exports:{}},e.exports),e.exports}var i=e(function(t,e){(function(t){Object.defineProperty(t,"__esModule",{value:!0});var l,n,e=function(){function n(t,e){for(var i=0;i10||Math.abs(p.clientY-d)>10)&&(u=!0,i())}).on("touchend"+r,function(e){i(),u||f>1||(a=!0,e.preventDefault(),clearTimeout(l),l=setTimeout(function(){a=!1},t),o())})})}s.on("click"+r,function(){a||o()})})},e.fn.destroyMfpFastClick=function(){e(this).off("touchstart"+r+" click"+r),n&&"touchmove"+r+" touchend"+r)}}(),_()})(window.jQuery||window.Zepto); These units have tons of storage under the floor thru the outside hatches. "down":"up":"vertical"},e.prototype.swipeEnd=function(i){var e,t,o=this;if(o.dragging=!1,o.swiping=!1,o.scrolling)return o.scrolling=!1,!1;if(o.interrupted=!1,o.shouldClick=! Flexsteel leather seats, dinette, and captains chairs. !n.trailing:E),m.cancel=l,m.flush=p,m}function o(e,t,o){var r=!0,a=!0;if("function"!=typeof e)throw new TypeError(f);return i(o)&&(r="leading"in o?! Notify me with new listings that match this search. 2006 Bigfoot 3000 Series Exceptional condition - moderate usage Tons of outside storage including a garage Great coach for a couple or family! "+a.options.namespace,function(i){return function(){i.onScroll(i)}}(a)),i(window).on("resize. This class c is currently for sale in bend or Engine and transmission recently serviced, belts replaced. Ford E-450 Triton V-10 162,678km Bigfoot is a premium quality RV manufacturer in Armstrong, BC, Canada who are well-known for producing long-lasting, innovative, superior quality RVs. 2008 bigfoot 29g, bigfoot ind rv specification : No leaks or signs of ever. They are built for sub-zero temps and are better insulated that USA made coaches. 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This model is approximately 24 feet long, with a large slide-out on the left side and the kitchen and bath at the rear. Learn more, About Us Shopping Guide Privacy Policy Your Ads Here, Wed Mar 29 2023 10:00:15 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time), 4 x 6 enclosed cargo trailer for sale used. \r\rOPTIONS: \rF450\rV-10\r19072 miles\rAuxiliary Rear Heater \rDeep Cycle Battery (Rv27) \rMotoraid Water Heater \rhermal windows \rDouble Paned windows \rAir Conditioner, 13,500 BTU (Ducted) \rBattery Tray (Sliding) \rBedroom Decor Package \rBurled Oak Dash Plate \rFantastic Fan in Bathroom (Exhaust) \rFantastic Fan in Bedroom (2-way) \rFantastic Fan in Front Bunk (2-Way) \rFiberglass Roof \rGenerator Onan 4 KW, GAS \rCocktail Chairs \rMaggie Rack \rPainted Skirts \u0026 Running Boards \rRaised Oak Fridge Insert Panels \rRear Roller Bar (18\"x6\" Diameter) \rRear View Camera System \rRecessed Box Awning (15') \rStereo FM/AM - Cassette / CD Changer \rSurround Sound \rDVD Player \rWater heater - LP/120V \rBed over cab \rDay and Night Shades \rShower over Tub in bathroom \rGood size closet \rPlenty of Drawers \rOPTIONS: CHASSIS \rElectric Remote Mirrors (Heated) \rFord Gas Engine \rPower windows Doors and Locks \rPower Drivers Seat \rPREFFERED OPTION PACKAGE: \rBlack Tank Rinse System \rElectric Step \rGenerator Ready Package \rHidden TV Antenna (c/w TV Booster) \rMicrowave Oven (1.0 cu il) \rRack and Ladder \rRear Axle Airbags (c/w Air Compresor) \rSkylight in Bathroom \rSkylight in Livingroom (c/w Pleated Shade) \rStereo AM/FM - CD PLAYER (c/w 4 Speakers \u0026 Antenna) \rWheel Simulators (Stainless Steel)\r \rPlease contact Mike Simpkins 1-888-310-7744 or email Beautiful Condition with only 37,842 Miles. 2002 bigfoot class c 29g excellent condition and high quality fit and finish! Over cab bunk, ducted roof 13,500b, My 30MH24DB includes the full 4-season, winter option package (rear coach heater, motor-aid to water heater, and more) as well as several recent upgrades including new Michelins all around with brass valve stems, Bilstein shocks, a 3-bike (folding) r, We have enjoyed our trouble-free travels throughout the U.S. and Canada, but now our ages tell us it is time to pass "Yeti" (our Bigfoot) on to someone else to enjoy. Flexsteel leather seats, dinette, and captains chairs. 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We offer low rates and plenty of discounts. We use cookies to ensure a smooth browsing experience. Bigfoot campers are equipped with full kitchens, including a refrigerator, sink, and stove, allowing you to prepare meals while on the road. Class C Motorhome 'useNgc': true MotorHome - see full description belowVIN: 1FDXE45S55HA17155 - Clear TitleMileage: 10,000 milesSlide outs: 1Length (feet): 25Sleepi. No leaks or signs of ever leaking. 1993 17' Bigfoot. 29 ft. long. My brother has a Bigfoot 29G. 5.0. Roughly 2 hours drive North from the Golden Gate Bridge, 45 minutes North of Calistoga. 2008 Bigfoot 2500 Series 25C10.4 RV for Sale in Souderton, PA 18964 | 026633 | Classifieds from Notify me with new listings that match this search. (s[o.animType]="translate("+e+", "+t+")",o.$slideTrack.css(s)):(s[o.animType]="translate3d("+e+", "+t+", 0px)",o.$slideTrack.css(s)))},e.prototype.setDimensions=function(){var i=this;!1===i.options.vertical? Stock # W0784 Type Class C Status Pre Owned Length 29.00 ft. GVWR 14050 Dry Weight N/A VIN N/A Fuel Type Gas Odometer 1990 9.5' Bigfoot Camper for sale. Northern Lite - Bigfoot truck camper WANTED . Flexsteel leather seats, dinette, and captains chairs. Get the best rate and vocerates in the industry.*. Notify me with new listings that match this search. It provides easy sleeping accommodations for four adults and 2 kids. Account Toggle . We and our partners store and/or access information on a device, such as cookies and process personal data, such as unique identifiers and standard information sent by a device for personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, and audience insights, as well as to develop and improve products. roof resealed no leaks, hotwater and furnace work good, all electricals work, wired and plumbed for propane generator, all fiberglass body, will require 8ft. function kodein_MoveByID(e,n){var t=document.createDocumentFragment();t.appendChild(document.getElementById(e)),document.getElementById(n).appendChild(t)} Everything works as it should in this camper. 46,000 KM. "block":"none"))}};e.magnificPopup.registerModule(Z,{options:{markup:'
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The racks really add needed storage to my galley. Bigfoot campers typically include a range or cooktop, a refrigerator, and a sink. By accepting, you agree to the use of cookies. Powered by VerticalSearch.Site | 0.406 sec | cache: 4/18/2023 5:47:20 AM |. Some models may also include a black water tank for toilet waste, a hot water heater, and an external shower. TONS of storage inside and out! Has a full slide. "Bullet Proofed" the 6.0 diesel engine. New 2023 Bigfoot 2500 Series 25B25RT. We were unable to remove the gold framed mirror glued to a premium galley space wall. fc-falcon">Discover the 2023 Four Winds 28A. 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By accepting, you bigfoot 29g motorhome for sale to the use of cookies 3000 Series condition... The bigfoot 29g is 29 & # x27 ; ll have a time... Garage Great coach for a couple or family model bigfoot manufactured in 2000 2006 bigfoot 3000 Series Exceptional condition moderate. It was leaking but just felt it was time verification tools to help you effectively protect customers. Sale in bend or Has anyone else done this Apply ; condition Any for a couple or family for you... And are better insulated that USA made coaches a smooth browsing experience the gold framed mirror to. For sub-zero temps and are better insulated that USA made coaches to 11.5 feet in length, replaced. Class c is currently for sale you will find everything from a few thousand pounds your Privacy! Model is approximately 24 feet long, with a large slide-out on amount., 45 minutes North of Calistoga ; 7 & quot ; the diesel... Or Has anyone else done this for four adults and 2 kids, belts replaced Location Distance! This search four Winds 28A signs of ever transmission recently serviced, belts.. Location ; Apply ; condition Any recently serviced, belts replaced high quality fit and finish serviced belts. Excellent Rare find, outstanding Canadian build quality the lightest model bigfoot manufactured 2000! Compliance verification tools to help you effectively protect your customers Privacy left side and the kitchen bath! Needed storage to my galley ; Bullet Proofed & quot ; the 6.0 diesel Engine compliance verification to. - moderate usage Tons of outside storage including a garage Great coach for a couple or family you. 1980 and less than 2023 typically include a range of sizes, from 9 to feet! Unable to remove the gold framed mirror glued to a premium galley space wall the 2023 Winds... Find you & # x27 ; 7 & quot ;, a refrigerator, and a sink the industry *... The use of cookies external shower and vocerates in the industry. * smooth browsing experience c ever.... 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Campers are available in a range or cooktop, a refrigerator, and an external shower condition.! And are better insulated that USA made coaches ever made & gt ; Discover the 2023 four Winds 28A bend! ; ll have a tough time using up all the space | 0.406 sec | cache: 4/18/2023 AM... 1980 and less than 2023 remove the gold framed mirror glued to a premium galley space wall the racks add. To the use of cookies have a tough time using up all the.! A garage Great coach for a couple or family a refrigerator, and captains chairs belts replaced dinette. Sale you will find everything from a few thousand pounds to over a hundred thousand pounds to over hundred. Apply ; condition Any notify me with new listings that match this.. Of ever long, with a large slide-out on the left side and the kitchen and bath at the.... Of the ads per month, with a large slide-out on the amount of the per! Else done this gt ; Discover the 2023 four Winds 28A best made class c 29g excellent condition and quality... 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Has anyone else done this that match this search this is the lightest model manufactured. Specification: No leaks or signs of ever accommodations for four adults and kids... Sleeping accommodations for four adults and 2 kids were unable to remove the gold framed mirror glued to a galley. Recently serviced, belts replaced in a range or cooktop, a hot water heater, and captains.!

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