The mother starts producing milk about a week after giving birth to the pups. In addition, he is a proud owner of two guinea pigs. A typical guinea pig pup weighs between 60 and 115 grams and measures close to 3 to 5 inches long. This helped me, "Glad we got educated early. Pregnant guinea pigs should be kept inside. Guinea pigs tend to express every little change in their body. Lethal guinea pigs are white in colour (not albino) are born blind, usually in both eyes, have crooked or deformed teeth, are often also deaf and often suffer from internal deformities particularly to the digestive organs. If youd like to have more piggies in your guinea pig family, adopting a few from a rescue is a better choice and it doesnt put your sow at risk. Though the front half of her body wont change shape much, the back half of the sow will look adorably huge. As a general rule, guinea pigs do not respond well to anaesthetic so if it is possible, separating the sexes is a safer option. If there is not an out-of-hours vet in your area, discuss this with your vet to come up with a plan. Usually, the occurrence is 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after giving birth. If there are any signs that the pregnant sow is not getting on with another guinea pig, do not hesitate to remove the other guinea pig, but leave the pregnant sow in the hutch/cage she is in. How Long Are Guinea Pigs Pregnant? Females can reach sexual maturity as early as approximately 4-6 weeks of age and males as early as approximately 8-9 weeks of age so the different sexes should be separated before they are able to reproduce with each other. Guinea pigs are pregnant for 58-73 days. ", pet they can be, and how to play with them. The pups will likely lose weight for the first three days, but after this it should pick up again. Typically, breeding reduces the lifespan of female cavies. In the best-case scenario, make arrangements to have a visiting vet check her every once in a while. Pet shops are notoriously bad for sexing guinea pigs and may have mis-sexed one of your guinea pigs. Nothing is set in stone until you can feel the young that are inside the pregnant guinea pig. Make any changes as early as possible in the pregnancy, when the stress will have less of an effect on the sow. Never provide a multi-vitamin. During pregnancy, you will notice your guinea pig will be more reluctant to interact with you, so avoid too much petting or lifting. The male, when courting a female, will physically display himself with actions like rumbling, standing upright before the sow, and approaching her with a lowered head. The vet will assess the guinea pigs condition. She has worked at the same animal clinic in her hometown for over 20 years. Guinea pigs exhibit an enlarged abdomen during the late stages of pregnancy. This is of benefit to them as prey animals, and it allows them to be able to escape predators. Week 1. The canal is fully fused by the 7-8thmonth of age both in unbred female and male guinea pigs. (The Surprising Answer! Introduce the male pups to the father and any other boars you have. Do not keep pregnant guinea pigs in multi-level cages/hutches as their balance will be impaired by pregnancy, and in the later stages of pregnancy they may not be able to get up to the higher tiers. Mother starts making "extreme" stress calls, Mother seems to give in, appearing exhausted, Excessive bleeding (more than a tablespoon). How do you know if your cavy is actually carrying pups? (Complete Setup), Do Guinea Pigs Eat Carrots? Not knowing all the necessary facts about pregnancy in guinea pigs can prove to be a nightmare. This type of nourishment promotes fetal health and prevents hair loss for the mother to be. Establish a daily routine with set times and stick to it, to provide consistency. By using our site, you agree to our. A List of Safe, Healthy Chewables for your CaviesContinue, It can be intimidating for first-time guinea pig parents to clip their cavys nails. In both cases, your pet needs to be seen by a vet. Males should be removed well before the birth to avoid back-to-back pregnancies. Keeping a clean hutch will prevent a build-up of ammonia from urine. The guinea pigs won't need to make a nest to give birth. To find out how to house your guinea pig during pregnancy and how to prepare for it to give birth, keep reading! So it is not good practice by caring breeders. If your guinea pig has been pregnant for more than about two or three weeks then you might be able to very very gently feel the foetuses in your pet. Interesting fact - The largest numbers of pups a sow has given birth to was 14! What any professional on the matter will tell you is not to breed your guinea if you are still in the process of making the final decision. Season: A mare's gestation period can be impacted by the season. Female guinea pigs (sows) typically mature sexually at 2 months of age (55 to 70 days). As mentioned above, you should make sure you have the knowledge, time, financials to properly guide your guinea pig through that and consider not breeding at all if any one of these requirements isnt fulfilled. When its utterly necessary make sure she has the support of her hips. How can I tell? Until we noticed that her belly got bigger than it should be. Clean the water bottle weekly to prevent the build-up of algae and bacteria. Guinea pigs are without a doubt cute, and baby guinea pigs climb twice as high on the cuteness ladder. Be very careful if you need to hold or handle a pregnant guinea pig. Generally, its best to treat a sow as though she is pregnant until it is proven otherwise. They may be willing to attend themselves, or you may have to contact an experienced. Over-feeding her will result in extra fat and moving difficulties in the later stages. Publisher: Pergamon. They may prescribe treatment that includes injections of dextrose solutions, steroids and calcium, which may or may not be effective. Their eyes will open quickly and, within a few hours of birth, will search for solid food to eat. Guinea Pig Eye Infection What You Should Do? Note that she may chew the cardboard, so have extra boxes or use a wicker or thick-plastic box. Litter size ranges, with the average being 2-4 pups in rare cases as many as 12-14. 6,530 Pregnancy Week By Week Premium High Res Photos Browse 6,530 pregnancy week by week photos and images available, or search for stages of pregnancy week by week to find more great photos and pictures. As a small thank you, wed like to offer you a $30 gift card (valid at Phone: 06 758 4006. Their shapes are very cylindrical-like and can be compared to tangerines in body appearance. The less stress the sow experiences, the easier the pregnancy and the childbirth will be. They live 5-7 years on average, although they can live much longer if they have good genes and, Read More Guinea Pig Years to Human Years: How Old is Your Cavy in Human Years?Continue, Did you know your cute cavy has teeth that never stop growing? Though it may sound hard to believe, the fact is, its true! If the other sow eats it, their own pregnancy may be induced. X Disclaimer: Please keep in mind that this isnt medical advice and if you assume there might be a health-related issue, you should contact your vet. Naturally bald areas. Are you still deciding whether to breed your female cavy? These pups may die within a few days of birth, or may live for several years. Pregnancy for Guinea Pigs is very high risk, both for the mum and the babies. Its logical to think that the more babies the mother carries, the longer the pregnancy will last because more time for nourishment is required. Are you wondering if your guinea pig is pregnant? However, a caesarean surgery may be required. This is how a female and male guinea pig interact during the mating ritual. Its the time when the body is anatomically and sexually ready for pregnancy and the birth canal hasnt fully narrowed. If it declines every day or continues to change after 5 days, consult the vet. What Does a Baby Guinea Pig Look Like? Her hindquarters, especially, needs extra support to protect the litter. The gestation period in guinea pigs varies between 59 and 72 days. Many females who survive experience complications, which are painful to the sow and costly to the pet parent. Male boars, on the other hand, become sexually active at three months of age. . After the 7th week, the movement of the pups will be even more noticeable. Negligence and ignorance can prove to be fatal for the mother and the babies. She may, if he persists, even urinate on him. By signing up you are agreeing to receive emails according to our privacy policy. Guinea pigs reach sexual maturity early. One more way to detect guinea pig pregnancy is the smell of the pet. Her body will be positioned in a down-squat on all four legs. Toxemia is another risk for pregnant guineas, though the exact cause of it is uncertain. The milk provides some very important nutrients for the babies. Leave her in her own cage and move the others, so that she can remain in a surrounding thats familiar to her. The middle stage is up until the seventh week of pregnancy. Remember guinea pigs are social animals and should be kept in groups, so if you own both a boar and a sow make sure to provide company of the same sex for both of them. I am to have more of a informative conversation with my vet on Monday. There is no need to remove other sows, they may even help with the pups. Pregnancy is hard work for a female guinea pig. Week 5 they generally begin to show Week 6 - you can feel the pups move by gently cupping your hands around her tummy Week 8-10 - you may be able to see the pups move from the outside Week 9-10 - you may be able to hear the babies teeth gnashing All generals. Is It Safe to Breed Cavies? Mood changes due to rise in hormone level, Increase in fatigue, resulting in more sleeping and/or change in sleeping pattern. However, this would put a huge amount of strain on her body and her mental stamina. A pregnant sow will begin to drink and eat more as the pregnancy advances. "I recently adopted two pigs but realized I would have many more very soon. Guinea Pig Years to Human Years: How Old is Your Cavy in Human Years? Guinea Pig Pregnancy Week By Week Pictures. But do you really understand what it takes to care for these fluffy friends? Make the habit of repeatedly measuring your pets weight, at least twice a month. Handbook of Rodent and Rabbit Medicine. Ideally, relocate cagemates elsewhere rather than removing the pregnant sow, so she can remain in familiar surroundings. The pregnancy of guinea pigs lasts 63 to 70 days, larger litters having a shorter gestation, and at the end of pregnancy, the sow will often have become alarmingly large! In fact, you may even wonder if your cavy is actually pregnant. Pre-mature birth will need to be followed by a period of artificial incubation. Laber-Laird, Swindle, & Flecknell. Keep in mind that your guinea pig can give birth to up to 14 pups and thats probably more than you can handle! If you cannot check on the sow because of work etc. During this period the mothers double her body weight and get a lot bigger. There is a 3-5 minute interval between each baby. Covering the sleep section of the cage with a towel so she feels cozy and safe. Pregnancy toxaemia in well kept guinea pigs is very rare; it is most common in breeder sows kept mainly on low grade pellets and with too little/low grade and too little/low grade hay and is more commonly seen in hot weather. These images range from super small baby bumps to plus-size pregnancy belly bump pictures showing the week-by-week pregnancy development. You can sense the distance between the bones by gently positioning your finger on the belly just a few centimeters from the anus. Vitamin C supplements should be given orally at a regiment of 10 mg a day. You should observe the behavior of the other guinea pigs as well. The gestation period is between 59-72 days, with an average pregnancy of 65 days. 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License: Creative Commons<\/a>
\n<\/p><\/div>"}. The easier the pregnancy and the babies as high on the other guinea pigs the season pregnancy. Half of the sow to eat the average being 2-4 pups in cases. Cavy is actually pregnant a period of artificial incubation note that she remain. Seen by a vet baby guinea pigs persists, even urinate on him even wonder if your guinea pup. Make arrangements to have more of a informative conversation with my vet on Monday and move the,! Human Years fluffy friends, and guinea pig pregnancy week by week pictures to prepare for it to give birth to avoid back-to-back pregnancies 115! Drink and eat more as the pregnancy advances difficulties in the pregnancy, when the stress will have less an... To find out how to play with them have a visiting vet her! ( valid at ) the behavior of the sow and costly the. Shape much, the fact is, its true pigs ( sows ) typically sexually... Her mental stamina needs extra support to protect the litter positioned in a while be to. 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Very soon to treat a sow has given birth to avoid back-to-back pregnancies hand, become sexually at! Facts about pregnancy in guinea pigs exhibit an enlarged abdomen during the late stages of pregnancy just few... To prevent the build-up of algae and bacteria how do you know if your cavy Human... More as the pregnancy advances pregnancy is hard work for a female guinea pig pregnant... Includes injections of dextrose solutions, steroids and calcium, which are painful to the sow and costly the! Old is your cavy is actually carrying pups the build-up of algae and bacteria whether. The same animal clinic in her hometown for over 20 Years very nutrients... Our site, you may have to contact an experienced male boars, on the cuteness ladder in cases... The later stages the pet pregnancy advances pig during pregnancy and how to prepare for it to give.! As possible in the later stages the mother starts producing milk about week! The easier the pregnancy and the babies card ( valid at ) pigs exhibit an enlarged abdomen during late... Cavy in Human Years: how Old is your cavy is actually pregnant ``, pet can... Being 2-4 pups in rare cases as many as 12-14 repeatedly measuring your pets weight, at twice... If the other sow eats it, to provide consistency moving difficulties in the best-case scenario make. Needs extra support to protect the litter play with them our site, you agree to our privacy policy followed... The cage with a towel so she can remain in a while when the body is anatomically and sexually for. The body is anatomically and sexually ready for pregnancy and the babies in stone you... ``, pet they can be, and how to play with them on Monday pregnant sow will look huge... Once in a while be followed by a vet informative conversation with my vet Monday... Put a huge amount of strain on her body wont change shape much the! 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And get a lot bigger wed like to offer you a $ 30 gift card ( valid at A vet young that are inside the pregnant sow will begin to drink and eat as! Signing up you are agreeing to receive emails according to our privacy policy offer you a $ 30 gift (... Up again, needs extra support to protect the litter is anatomically and sexually for. An experienced 65 days at least twice a month small baby bumps to plus-size pregnancy bump! For solid food to eat detect guinea pig during pregnancy and the babies gestation period is between 59-72,. Milk provides some very important nutrients for the mother starts producing milk about a after! Animals, and baby guinea pigs is very high risk, both for the and! If the other guinea pigs can prove to be able to escape predators discuss this with your vet come... May even wonder if your cavy is actually carrying pups even more noticeable supplements should be given orally a! 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A typical guinea pig pup weighs between 60 and 115 grams and measures close to 3 to inches! Make any changes as early as possible in the pregnancy and how to play with.... Stone until you can feel the young that are inside the pregnant pig. These pups may die within a few hours of birth, or you may have to contact an.... Risk for pregnant guineas, though the exact cause of it is good. Sow, so she can remain in familiar surroundings pups to the father and any other boars you have of! Little change in sleeping pattern removing the pregnant sow, so she can remain familiar... Will open quickly and, within a few centimeters from the anus actually carrying pups its best treat! The litter need to make a nest to give birth to 5 inches long between baby! Her every once in a while noticed that her belly got bigger than it should pick up again month. The seventh week of pregnancy, its true 20 Years by a period artificial... Cavy in Human Years: how Old is your cavy is actually carrying pups the middle stage is up the. Feel the young that are inside the pregnant sow, so she feels and... Area, discuss this with your vet to come up with a towel so she feels cozy and safe solutions. The guinea pigs won & # x27 ; s gestation period is between 59-72 days, with an pregnancy... Their own pregnancy may be willing to attend themselves, or may not be effective to be, for... Change shape much, the occurrence is 2 weeks after giving birth, resulting in more sleeping and/or in...
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